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        ANUBIS WOKE UP TO THE SOUND OF ELENA TALKING THROUGH THE PHONE WITH WHO HE ASSUMED TO BE CAROLINE. HE DECIDED TO TAKE A NAP AFTER BONNIE HAD FOUND OUT THE TRUTH ABOUT SHANE AND WHAT WOULD HAPPEN. HE COULDN'T HELP BUT FEEL WORRIED ABOUT BONNIE, HE DIDN'T WANT HER TO SPIRAL OUT OF CONTROL. Anubis got up from his tent and rubbed his eyes, he got out of the tent and found Elena pacing within the woods. Anubis furrowed his brows, he fixed his suit and waited for Elena to hang up. "Is everything okay?" Anubis asked once she did. 

Elena jumped, "Sorry, Anubis," she said startled, "I'm just worried, that's all," 

Anubis furrowed his brows, "Why?" 

"Well, Damon's missing and Bonnie, Shane, and Jeremy are too," she answered while folding her arms across her chest, "I have no clue where to find them," 

"Wait, they're missing?" Anubis asked worriedly, he stuck his hands in his pockets as he waited for an answer from Elena. 

Elena shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know where they went, can you do like a tracking spell or something?" Elena asked worriedly. 

Anubis shook his head, "I can't really do magic, Elena," 

Elena shook her head, "That's fine, I forgot," 

Anubis looked around, "Where's Stefan and Rebekah?" 

Elena rolled her eyes at the sound of Rebekah's name, "I don't know, I think they were talking something out."

Anubis nodded his head, he couldn't believe that Bonnie would have gone off with Shane and Jeremy without telling everyone. What shocked him most was that she still did it even after he told her the truth about all of it. Anubis was trying to think of what the plan could be. He didn't know if he should look for Damon or Bonnie. 

"I think you and Stefan should go look for Bonnie, Shane, and Jeremy and Rebekah and I could go find Damon," Anubis suggested. 

Rebekah appeared out of nowhere, "I'm not going anywhere with you, Anubis," she started, "Plus, I don't think we should split up, it's bad news," 

"Then what do you suggest?" Stefan asked irritated at Rebekah. 

A smirk appeared on Rebekah's face, "I think we should find Bonnie, Shane, and Jeremy first. Wherever Damon is, he'll find us." 

Anubis simply shrugged his shoulders, "Sounds like a plan, we should get a head start and talk things out," Rebekah rolled her eyes and grabbed her phone before walking off with Anubis. As the two started to walk, Rebekah was surprisingly silent which threw Anubis off. He knew there was something going on but he didn't want to press her on the issue. 

As they stepped through, Anubis imitated conversation, "So these hunters have a thing for vampires?"

"Sounds like it," Rebekah answered uninterested. 

Anubis rolled his eyes, "Alright what is it? You haven't sassed me yet and you're surprisingly quiet. Drop it," 

Rebekah rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest, "Don't tell anyone else but Klaus said there is only one cure, which means there's no chance of me getting my hands on it," 

"What makes you think that?" Anubis asked curiously. 

"Because everyone wants it. Damon and Stefan want it for poor Elena and the stupid hunters want it for Silas, to get that bloody thing I have to go through everyone," Rebekah answered, she avoided eye contact with Anubis as she talked which wasn't common of her. 

"Well at least you have me on your side," Rebekah stopped walking and Anubis quickly furrowed his brows, "What-" Rebekah held up a finger signaling him to be quiet. Anubis looked around and when he set his eyes on Rebekah she mouth 'Damon' and pointed to her ears. She stepped closer to Anubis. 

"I can hear Damon, I'm going to go in first," she started, "He can't possibly kill me, there's only one thing that can and I highly doubt that he has it," Rebekah kept walking forward, towards a chamber of some sort. Anubis stood in his spot and walked slowly towards it. He was careful not to make any sudden movements or loud noises that might give him away. 

He felt someone behind him and when he looked around it was Stefan and Elena. He let out a breath of relief when he saw them and he pointed towards the chamber. Stefan didn't think rationally and quickly called out for Damon. The three of them went towards the chamber which resembled a cave of some sort. Anubis looked at Damon who was held against a rope by his neck. Stefan went to pull it off of him but it wasn't working. Rebekah was on the ground, there was wooden spikes in her chest, she was dead for the time being, and then she'd be back.

"You're wasting time. Just get the cure. Go." Damon grunted. 

"We're not gonna leave you," Elena insisted. 

"No, we aren't," Stefan started while looking at both her and Anubis, "You both need to go ahead. We'll be right behind you," Elena and Anubis both exchanged looks before they jumped down a staff. He let Elena go first and then went as soon as she reached the bottom. 

"Are you okay?" he asked. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," she answered while wiping a strand of hair away from her face, "Let's just go I have to find Jeremy," she started running through the passages and Anubis followed shortly after her, they took some turns and Elena was ahead of her game. All of a sudden she stopped running and Anubis almost bumped into her. 

"What's wrong?" Anubis looked around and saw a figure, it wasn't long until he felt something against his head head and everything went dark. 

When Anubis woke up, Elena was hovering over him with a cloth on his forehead, "Are you alright?" She had a wound on her forehead and Anubis furrowed his brows.

Anubis felt his head pounding and he slowly got up from the corner he was sitting in, "What happened?" 

"I can't really explain, let's just say it's not good news." Elena answered. 

Anubis nodded his head, "We should go," 

"Are you sure?" 

Anubis nodded his head and quickly got up, "Elena, you should stay here, I'm going to find Jeremy and Bonnie," Anubis turned towards quick passage before she could say a word. There was someone there that had knocked him out. He had to find who it was and find Jeremy and Bonnie and get the cure all at the same time. 

When Anubis reached Silas' tomb, he found Jeremy and to his surprise Katherine. Just as he came in, Bonnie collapsed to ground and Anubis quickly ran towards her, "Bonnie!" He crouched down next to her and felt for a heartbeat, she was still alive. It wasn't until, Katherine vamped towards Jeremy and slit his wrist dripping the blood on Silas that Anubis truly felt fear. He was confused and scared. 

"Sorry. Family reunion is gonna have to be cut short," Katherine smirked while sinking her fangs into Jeremy and letting Silas feed off of him. Anubis could see the life draining out of Jeremy but for some reason, he wasn't able to move and slowly felt himself falling sleepy. Soon enough, him and Bonnie lay unconscious next to each other.

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