Trapped part 1

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"Artie!" Alfred yelled as he ran down the hill, catching Arthur's attention. Arthur let out a sigh, ever since they agreed to be friends the prince has made it a habit of always visiting him. But, deep inside Arthur didn't mind. He has really grown on the kid.

"Can you finish the story from yesterday?" Alfred asked when he finally caught up to where Arthur was. Arthur opened his book and scooted over, allowing Alfred to sit and get comfortable.

"Ok git, here is how the story ends." Arthur said as he coughed in his hand to begin. "So the fairies and goblins were already 100 years into their war, with no signs of either side winning. Until, the goblin king came up with an excellent plan. He decided in order to win the war against the fairies, he would have to get help.
Better yet, manipulation.
The goblin king came up with a plan to get the king of Spades to use his powers to end the fairies. But, there was only one way to do that. Get the king angry at them.
He sent his best assassin to the palace one night, and successfully killed the king and queens youngest daughter.
Of course the king was furious, having one of his own murdered. Somehow, the goblin king managed to convince the broken hearted king that the fairies were to blame. So, the king personally went and used his powers to banish the fairies. He took away their powers and shrunk them to the size of butterflies. The goblins celebrated their victory, and the true story of what happened to the kings daughter faded into history." Arthur finished. Alfred looked at him in amazement.

"Wow! That sorry was awesome!" Alfred exclaimed. Arthur chuckled at his high energy. Alfred suddenly grabbed Arthur's book, looking at the drawing of a fairy.

"Hey Artie, how do you know what a fairy looks like?" Alfred said looking at the picture.

"Because I've seen them before you git, there are a few that wonder around here."

"No way, then how come I've never seen them!" Alfred asked Arthur, getting a little suspicious if he was telling the truth.

"Of course you don't see them, they have to allow you to. And the only way they would even consider letting you, is if you dance with them at the edge of Lake Roseston." Arthur said matter-of-factly.

"Really!? Then let's go!" Alfred excitedly yelled as he stood up. Arthur looked at him in a little worried expression.

"I would Alfred, but fairies aren't like how you think they are. Fairies are very tricky, In the dance they will try to lure you into coming to their world. Once they do that there is no escaping. I almost didn't make it last time until my mum came looking for me and brought me out of their trance. It's very dangerous." Arthur said. Alfred stood still for a second, thinking about the information given to him. Then, he looked at Arthur with a determined face.

"I don't have to worry, because I have you with me!" He said with confidence.

"Listen Alfred, I can't ta--"

Oh no, not that. ANYTHING but that.
Arthur thought with dispair.

Alfred was using his secret weapon, the one ace up his sleeve that never failed with the british boy.

The puppy dog eyes.

"Alfred, it's dangerous you can't." Arthur tried one last time to convince the boy, but it only succeeded in making Alfred deepen his puppy eyes.

"Please Artie?" Alfred said in a sweet tone. Arthur's resolve finally broke.

"Ugggh fine you wanker! But you have to listen to my rules understand? Prince or not." Arthur said standing up in defeat. Alfred wore a smug smile, knowing that the older boy couldn't say no to him.

"Wipe that smug look off your face, it will be a long walk and I really don't want to look at that unappealing face." Arthur said pointing his nose in the air in a snobby matter.

"Oh you want to talk about faces now? What about those two caterpillars that you call eyebrows?!" Alfred quickly retorted.

They fought the whole way.


"And another thing! You s--"

"Shut it git! Were here." Arthur quickly retorted, effectively shutting up the prince mid-rant.

"Wow" Alfred said in wonderment. Lake Roseston was truly as beautiful as Arthur described. The water was so clear that you could see the bottom. The edge around the lake was covered in fresh, green grass littered with colorful flowers. Pink trees were everywhere around the area, which were falling gracefully in the water.

"It's beautiful."

"Indeed it is, now over here is where they should come out." Arthur said, walking over to a small cave that the lake went into. Once Alfred caught up, he saw that the cave wasn't deep since he could see the back of it. Walking inside, the light from outside did little to illuminate inside.

"So what are we waiting for?" Alfred questioned. Arthur shushed him, so Alfred just decided to wait and trust Arthur's decision. 5 minutes later Alfred was about to just give up, being the impatient kid he is, until a single light caught his attention. Looking directly at it, he saw the distinct outline of a tiny person with wings.

"Come dance with us." The tiny fairy said in a squeaky voice, and soon more fairies appeared which brightened the dark cave. Alfred felt no control as he stood up and began dancing with the magical beings. Every movement was in sync with the fairies, every turn was done perfectly as though it was rehearsed 100 times, it was truly a beautiful dance to see. Arthur kept an eye on Alfred, knowing first hand how tricky the beings could be. Everything was going good, everything was in control. But, then the movements started getting more faster, more energetic. Warning bells were going off in Arthur's head, and as soon as he tried getting up to stop Alfred he noticed the situation he was in.

Arthur was stuck.

Arthur's face turned pale when he realized exactly what happened. The fairies must have put a spell on him when he wasn't paying attention. They were up to something, that was for sure. Arthur tried yelling, but it seemed they thought that through and made sure he couldn't. The fairies were trying to keep him away, but why?


They were trying to take Alfred! Arthur tried thinking fast, he didn't have much time since the dance kept speeding up. Arthur suddenly closed his eyes and focused magic throughout his body. Since fairy magic is powerful it was going to take all of his willpower to break it. The dance was getting more faster as Arthur's magic was glowing more green. Time was running out, as a circle with magic symbols started appearing in thin air next to the water. Alfred was dancing towards the entrance, then, the fairies pushed him in.


Arthur broke the spell just in time to jump in after the falling prince.

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