Meeting Ralph

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Being dragged by dozens of guards and the possibility of being executed or imprisoned was not exactly what Arthur had in his to do list. But alas, chains were wrapped around his hands and he was thrown inside a rusty cell.

Bloody hell...

"You are charged for the crimes of assaulting members of the royal guards, attempted murder of members of the royal guard, treason against the king, public endangerment, and littering. Tomorrow morning will be your court date." A guard said.

"Littering?" Arthur raised his eyebrow.

"We seen those groceries fall" A guard replied matter-of-factly.

"I didn't even do half those things you bloody tossers."

"It doesn't matter, who do you think the courts will believe." The guard smirked.

Arthur sneered at the man before turning away and laying down on the bed inside the cell. It's not like he had a choice in the matter anyways, so might as well wait until morning.

'Easier said than done...' Arthur irritability realized 5 minutes later.

It seemed the guards were being extra busy moving, yelling, and clanking weapons around. All Arthur wanted to do was go to sleep before he has to go and deal with tomorrow, but obviously the world was working against him today.

A sudden clanking on the bars to his cell quickly drew his attention. He looked to the side to see a young guard holding a prisoner.

"Say hello to your roommate, and good luck." The guard said, clearly sounding annoyed. He opened the cell and threw the prisoner in, making the man fall in the process.

"Aye mate, next time shove me with love why don't ya?!" The stranger sarcastically complained, and the guard immediately stomped off.

"Geez, the lack of respect I tell ya. They ain't nothing if you take away the uniform. Am I right or am I right?" The man grinned at Arthur.

Arthur was, to put it simply, stunned into silence. This stranger had unruly brown hair, green eyes, and what looked like an adhesive on his nose. He also had some pretty big eyebrows (But not as big as his, Arthur begrudgingly noticed). He had a simple brown shirt and black pants, with matching shoes.

"Uhh..." Arthur intelligently replied.

"Oh sorry there mate! I sometimes get ahead of myself sometimes! The name is Ralph, but you can call me beast-tamer, crocodile lord, the outback, or Ralphie -- I've recently came up with that one." He grinned.

"I think I'll just stick with Ralph. It's nice to meet you, my name is Arthur Kirkland." Arthur politely introduced himself.

"Don't be a stick in the mud mate, your acting all formal!"

"I beg your pardon?"

"See that's what im talking about! You need to loosen up! You should wrestle a gnome back south where I came from, those little suckers are small but vicious! That's always an ice breaker to know someone!" Ralph stood up with a fire in his eyes.

"First off git, I barely know you. Secondly, we are in a jail cell, there is no way we are going to wrestle gnomes to know each other at this very moment..."

"Oh I guess your right."

Arthur was really starting to piece together why they threw him inside his cell.

"So tell me mate, how did ya get thrown in jail?" Ralph asked, leaning against the wall to relax.

"Why should I tell you?" Arthur said, raising up one of his impressive eyebrows.

"We are going to be here for a long time, might as well have something to do." Ralph shrugged.

"Well since I'm obviously not going to get sleep anytime soon with those wankers making all that noise out there, I guess I'll talk to you for a little bit. But if you annoy me I'll immediately ignore you."

"Ok deal mate!"

"That's good. Let's see, you asked why I was arrested? Well you see Ralph, I was arrested for cutting down three royal guards for trying to kill a little boy. But honestly those bloody gits overreacted, at least I didn't kill them." Arthur said.

"The government is getting more corrupted year by year. The bastards are really putting the rest of us through hell aren't they?" Ralph bitterly said, shaking his head side to side.

"So why are you in here?"

"You wouldn't believe it mate! Two months ago I was out walking when I saw someone kicking a pup in the streets, so I came to put a stop to it. Well it turns out the man was the kings ambassador, so it was just bad luck on my part. But at least I saved the little guy." Ralph replied.

Before Arthur could respond, an announcement was made throughout the entire jailhouse.

"Attention, our special guest has arrived!"

"Special guest?" Arthur questioned.

"Oh I forgot ya barely came less than an hour ago mate! Every month, the Jack of Spades comes to the jailhouse to check how the staff runs the place. He never comes on a specific day, he normally gives a notice in the morning and comes in the afternoon when he feels like it." Ralph answered.

Arthur immediately froze. So Yao was going to come? How would he be able to face him? How old would the Jack be now? About twenty seven if his math wasn't wrong.

"Hey don't worry, the Jack isn't really a bad guy." Ralph grinned, trying to ease the British.

Arthur didn't answer back, he decided to wait until Yao came to his cell. He heard the guards welcoming Yao in the distance, then he could hear footsteps walking around the cells. He heard them coming closer and closer until they came to a stop in front of his cell. Arthur slowly looked up and saw the familiar face he hadn't seen in eleven years.

Yao's eyes studied his for a moment before they widened in surprise.

"Arthur?! Is that you aru!?" The Jack asked. He wrapped his fingers on the bars as he leaned on the cell. Ralph and the guards were immediately shocked.

"Hey Yao, long time no see." Arthur awkwardly said.

"What are you doing here aru?! Are you here against your will? Get him out of this cell this instant!" Yao yelled at the guard.

"M-My apologies lord Jack, but he has attacked members of the royal guards and will be facing a serious trial tomorrow. Normally you have the power to release prisoners if the offense was minor, but his is a severe case. The only way he will be released is if the courts allow it, or the--"

"I know, and trust me when I say he will not be pleased when he finds out." Yao retorted.

"Unless he comes in person to Arthur's court date, we cannot release him sir." The guard bowed.

Yao sighed while Arthur was left confused on who they were talking about. Yao suddenly called his name so he put his attention back to the Jack.

"Don't get too comfortable Arthur, you will be out by tomorrow." Yao smiled at him. Arthur, still confused, just smiled back. The Jack left a moment later, leaving Ralph and Arthur together again in silence.

"Soooo mate, think you can convince him to give me a get outta jail free card?"

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