The Deal

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"Y-Your Arthur's brother? But how?"

The red head instantly narrowed his eyes at Alfred. "So ye know mah wee brother? It will be a cold day in heel before I lit ye hurt Arthur." He said in a very thick Scottish accent.

"You got it wrong! Me and Arthur are bestfriends!" Alfred said. The red head looked shocked, mostly confused on why the little runt proudly called himself Arthur's bestfriend. "Arthur will be so happy to know his brother is still alive! And of course your mother will be happy too, then you can all be together again! I'll go and let Artie kn--"

"What makes you think I'll let him free?"

The Kings cold voice stopped Alfred. He looked back to see his father standing up from his throne and walking to where his son and the prisoner were at.

"Your probably wondering how he is still alive are you not? Of course it was my intention to kill him, as the law requires me to do so, but I found him far more useful then the other two. That's why Aaron and Dylan are dead, isn't that right Allistor?" The king asked.

Allistor flinched.

"This young man has a very interesting ability, he can see spirits as well as use enchantments. All his spells are certainly powerful, and that's why you work for me, right Allistor? You see Alfred, I kept him alive for one purpose only.. To assassinate those I tell him to."

Alfred was shaking by now, never before having to face the brunt of his father's madness. He looked over at Allistor to see him glaring at the king with hatred in his eyes.

"Like I hae a choice, ye put this blasted curse on mah back 'at will kill me th' moment ye activate it bastard." Allistor seethed. Alfred looked back and forth between the two, to his father's chilling smile and Allistors heated glare.

Alfred lightly coughed, bringing both of their attentions to him.

"Father, I don't understand, why did you bring him out here? Why show me?" Alfred asked.

"Alfred, I have plans for our kingdom. And in order to fulfill those plans, I need you to be cooperative and do as I say. This Arthur has changed you to be quite a nuisance, and I expect you to forget about him and fulfill your duties as my son. Now answer one last time, yes or no."

"And if I answer no again, what will you do?"

"Well I'm sure you wouldn't want to live with the guilt of killing Arthur's only living brother." The king answered sadistically.

Alfred was confused, but fear was quickly overcoming his small frame as he backed away from his father. "W-What do you m-mean?" Alfred whimpered out.

"My dear son, I mean either you say yes and do what your told like a good little Prince and no one will get hurt. Or you can choose no again, and I'll simply kill Allistor. But what will Arthur say when he finds out his precious older brother was alive this whole time, only to be killed when his dear friend had the opportunity to save him?" The king questioned.

The young blonde was crying at this point, he tried desperately to stop from hyperventilating as an internal battle waged in his mind. Alfred gritted his teeth, forcing himself to not scream as his walls were quickly breaking down.

"How evil, wha' kind a father  does thes ta their own son? Ye truly are worse than trash." The Scottish man said.

"Watch your lip, I will show no mercy as you die like your worthless brother's."

"Fuck you." Allistor furiously yelled.

"What will it be Alfred?"

"....P-Please father, d-dont do this." Alfred cried out.

"I want an answer now...Here, why don't I help you a bit." His father said as he out stretched his arm and opened his palm towards the Scottish. A faint glow appeared on his back as he screamed and doubled over in pain. The two accompanying guards stood back as Allistor was rolling on the floor.

"Ahhhhhh!! Make it st-- Ahhh!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

"FATHER STOP!!" Alfred yelled.

"He only has ten seconds until it kills him. Better hurry." His father said.

   "Stop fa--"




"YES!! I'LL DO WHAT YOU WANT JUST STOP HURTING HIM!" Alfred yelled as he fell to his knees and cried harder into his hands.

"That's what I thought." The king of Spades said as he released his spell. Allistor was on the ground breathing heavily as he hissed through the pain. He looked at the king with utter hatred before he passed out.

"Guards take him to his cell. And Alfred, I expect you to go over to the boys house tomorrow and cut your relations off then. But don't speak a word about his brother, that information is classified and is punishable by death. Also, congratulations on making the right choice son."

The guards bowed, then immediately grabbed Allistor and exited the room. At the exact moment they left, the Queen entered. She looked at the scene in front of her before her eyes narrowed at Alfred.

"Alfred get off the floor and stop crying like a child. Honestly, you look utterly pathetic." The Queen said as she looked at her son in disappointment.

"Forget about him, what news do you bring?" The king said as he walked over to sit on his throne.

The Queen smirked. "It has been done my king, our troops have raided the northern half of the Kingdom of Diamonds and successfully seized it. Our first act of war has begun."

Alfred stopped. The Diamonds? That's Francis's kingdom...

"Excellent, the time has finally come for Spades to enter a new era. We will prevail until we overthrow every last kingdom."


Hey everyone! I hope you enjoy the update, and I am sorry if its a little hard to read Allistor's lines, I tried making him sound as Scottish as possible.

Also, thank you Austria-Hungary for mentioning me in your amazing story and for voting on all my stories! Speaking of my other stories, I really need to update them too lol!

Thank you all for reading, the next chapter will be next week!

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