One Step at a Time

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"You know, we still haven't properly introduced ourselves." Arthur said, breaking the silence that happened after the young prince broke down crying. The two were currently sitting down by the lake, watching as the sun reflected off the surface.

"I'll go first. My name is Arthur Kirkland, I am 10 years old and I live with my mother in our small apartment back at the Kingdom. I always spend my time out here, learning about new magical beings and how the world is." Arthur spoke, then it was Alfred's turn.

"My name is Alfred F. Jones, I am 8 years old and I am the next king of Spades. I'm an only child and spent most of my life in the castle learning about politics, different languages, posture, and all these other boring stuff. I never see much of my parents, except for business when they have to take me to see the other princes who are going to be the next rulers of their kingdom." Alfred said. Arthur was baffled, this kid had his childhood practically stripped away from him! No wonder he acts like he does, he never had the chance to experience life.

"Hey Arthur, can I ask you..something." Alfred said hesitantly. Arthur turned to look at him.

"Yes, what is it?"

"Umm. Idsffthes.." Alfred murmured. Arthur had A look of confusion on his face. "Alfred your going to have to speak up, I didn't hear you." Arthur said.

"Canwrtdbexfrisfgg." Alfred spoke again, still with the mumbling.

"Can you look up and say it? Still can't hear you." Arthur said, starting to form a small annoyed tick on his head.

Alfred's face was bright red as he closed his eyes and yelled. "Ok look, I really don't know how all this works and this is all new to me! But I would really really really want you to be my friend! Unless you don't want to that's fine I guess but I really want to become someone different! I never really ha--"

"Stop you git!" Arthur interrupted playfully. Alfred finally stopped in the middle of his rant, allowing Arthur to continue talking. "Since you asked so nicely, I guess I'll accept your offer of becoming your first friend."

Alfred was silent, still processing the words in his mind. Arthur began to think he might have actually broke it, until Alfred suddenly sprang to life with the widest smile he has ever seen.

"Hooray! Thank you so much Artie! Oh my gosh I can't believe I finally made a friend!" Alfred exclaimed. This was a side of him that Arthur liked, he seemed like a kid. A normal happy kid.

That will soon rule an entire kingdom.

Arthur rid his mind of that thought, it didn't matter if he was poor and Alfred was royal, they could still be friends right?

His thoughts - and Alfred's happy dance - was cut short when a loud "ufff?!" Was heard. They both turned to the noise to find a dark-haired teenager looking around frantically, seeming to have fallen.

"You damn Jack! How dare you show your face after you ditch me for a panda!" Alfred yelled while pointing a finger towards the Jack.

"Wait, the panda isn't down here?" Yao asked, earning a scowl from Alfred as the young prince did a battle cry and charged towards the Jack with intent to kill.

"Bloody hell, why do people keep falling into my hideout?" Arthur sighed, watching as the Jack runs away from the angry prince. He had to admit the sight was hilarious to see, he let out a small (but manly) giggle at the two.

Once Alfred caught up with Yao and punished him - more like hit him on the head repeatedly - did the Jack finally realized the other person with Alfred.

"Excuse me, but who are you and why are you alone with the prince?" Yao spoke suspiciously. Alfred immediately went in front of the boy.

"He is my friend!" Alfred said, fully intent on protecting him. Yao was surprised, he had never seen Alfred stick up for someone before. Especially someone who looked like he was from the ghetto.

"Im fully capable of protecting myself Alfred." Arthur said as he stepped in front of him to greet the Jack. "Hello my name is Arthur, pleasure to meet you."

"Its a pleasure to meet you too." Yao said after getting over his shock. "I am the current Jack for the kingdom of Spades, but you can call me Yao. Im terribly sorry to cut this short but prince Alfred needs to be back before it gets any later."

"I'll come back tomorrow Artie!" Alfred said as both he and the Jack began to walk away. Arthur let one of his rare, true smiles show on his face. Little did Alfred know, he was his first friend too. As he watched the two nobles climb up the hill, he suddenly thought back on what Alfred has been calling him.

"Don't you call me Artie you wanker!"

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