Another Problem

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"Men, women, and children were not safe from death as it approached village to village. The grueling, terrifying creature known as Gashadokuro was a force of pure evil. He stood taller than any building, and was a skeleton with black, endless eyes. No amount of magic from the strongest man could defeat Gashadokuro. He had a nasty appetite for humans, he could swallow about 3 people whole. I never knew where exactly they went considering he was a skeleton, but by the time he was done, blood covered his white bones. After 500 years of people living in fear of this terrifying creature, 4 men faced Gashadokuro head on in the Valley of Namida. The fierce battle was won by the courage of these warriors, but they couldn't kill him. He was merely sealed and sent to another unknown world. After the battle was won, the 4 strong wizards started their own kingdoms that we know today thousands of years later." The very old tortoise said as he laid down comfortably on a flat rock surrounded by thick trees and bushes.

Alfred and Arthur, who were sitting down in front of Mr. Rutland the tortoise, stared in awe at the story they were told. Ever since they found the old tortoise, he would tell them incredible stories that were not found in books in any other kingdom. Alfred was feeling glad that he 'accidentally' angered the trolls, if he and Arthur weren't running for their lives then they would have never fell down a hidden path and stumble upon Mr. Rutland.

"Incredible! Such a creature actually existed?!" Arthur excitedly asked.

"Yes child, for I have seen the beast with my own eyes. Lucky for me, he didn't seem to like the taste of tortoise." Mr. Rutland chuckled, silently thanking his good fortune.

"How come we have never heard of this before? We were taught that the kingdoms were created from 4 Wizards, but not because they defeated Gashadokuro, how come no one knows?" Arthur asked, genuinely confused.

"That dark part of history was purposely forgotten, every mother and father refused to tell the tale of Gashadokuro to their child. And soon enough, the truth about what happened died along with the last survivor." Mr. Rutland answered.

"That is amazing! Wouldn't it be awesome if we met Gashadokuro?! I bet I could beat him, right Artie!?" Alfred yelled with sparkles appearing in his eyes.

Both Arthur and Mr. Rutland sweat- dropped. "Of course you can." Arthur replied half-heartedly.

"Well that's enough stories for one day, I am in dire need of a nap. Make sure you bring fish next time." Mr. Rutland said as he resided inside his shell.

"Waaait! You still haven't told me the story about dragons!" Alfred whined. The old tortoise said nothing, obviously asleep.

"Come on Alfred, we need to go before Yao goes and tries to put a curse on me again." Arthur said as he grabbed Alfred's hand, not noticing the blush he caused the little boy to have.

They have known each other for half a year now, becoming inseparable. Alfred would always sneak out of the castle to go on adventures with Arthur, some of their more 'dangerous' discovery's earns Arthur a little chat with a very prissy Jack. But for them, It was worth it.

Once they finally made it to the all-too familiar lake, they both noticed the teenager standing in the middle of the field. Once Yao spotted them, he began running over.

"Where have you been aru?! Did you forget that we are attending Prince Ludwig's birthday party?" Yao quickly said in an exasperated breath. But he soon raised an eyebrow when he noticed the two younger boys were holding hands. They both quickly detached in an embarrassed second.

"It was today?" Alfred asked once he regained his composure. "I thought it was next week?"

"There's no time for thinking Prince Alfred, if we don't hurry, the king will personally kill me or worse, get rid of my panda collection!" Yao dramatically yelled as he grabbed Alfred and made a beeline towards the carriage, leaving Arthur standing alone.

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