Finding the Healer Part 1

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Everyone was waiting for an answer, and finally Arthur spoke.

"I'll join, if it means taking out that bastard of a king I'll do it. No offense Alfred." Arthur said.

"None taken." Alfred replied back, smiling wide.


"So tell me, how does all of this work?" Arthur asked, leaning back into the couch.

"We are split into nine Divisions, and all nine are secret hideouts spread in each forests, or underground in the Spades Kingdom itself. Here, keep this map, you're going to need it." Lukas said, spreading out a map in front of him. Arthur saw the layout of the Spades Kingdom, and nine red dots that signified the Divisions.

"We are Division 5, and the strongest Division too. All Thirty Two of us are family here, and since you joined, there are now Thirty three of us!" Mathias excitedly said.

"Nine Divisions? So how much people are there?" Arthur asked.

"It mostly fluctuates, but if I have to estimate, I'd say 3,500" Yao said.

'3,500! That's a lot of rebels.' Arthur briefly thought.

"As you can tell, our division is small compared to the others." Tino said from across the couch, smiling gently.

"Yeah, but we will only get bigger, then we will be unstoppable." Mathias said.

"If only we had more people." Alfred muttered.

There was a collection of groans in agreement. Suddenly, a lightbulb flickered to life in Arthur's mind.

"Hmm, now that I think about it, there is someone I know who would gladly join. He was in the jail with me and we shared the same cell, he goes by Ralph." Arthur said.

"He's in jail? Are you sure he will join for the right purpose?" Yao said, sounding unsure.

"I'm positive he will join for the same goals, and he is trustworthy. A bit on the talkative side, and really annoying, but he's reliable." Arthur reassured.

"Well, if you trust him then I will too. Yao, can you go handle that for me tomorrow?" Alfred said.

"Like I have a choice aru." The Jack muttered.

They all shared a laugh, and stayed to talk a little bit more to eat some donuts on the coffee table. Of course, the relaxing peace briefly ended when Alfred and Mathias fought over the last chocolate donut. They tackled each other from wall to wall until Lukas grabbed Mathias by the collar and dragged him away. Berwald and Tino left soon after, and Emil offered a goodbye before he left too.

"Well, I have to go and fill out some paperwork that needs to be done. Are you staying or coming Alfred?" Yao asked, standing up and smoothing out his silk clothes.

"No, go on ahead of me I'll be home later." Alfred replied. Yao left after that, and the room became deathly quiet when the door shut.

They didn't make eye contact, and were both fidgeting awkwardly. Both of them wanted to break the silence, but they didn't know how.

That was, until Arthur remembered about his mother.

"Dammit, I forgot about the food for my mum." Arthur said, berating himself for being so stupid and careless.

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