A meeting with parents

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Alfred supposed he should have expected this. He was bound to have to face the consequences of defeat sooner or later.

He just didnt think that it would happen so calmly.

Sitting in the meeting room was something he could only dream of as a kid. He still remembers climbing up the vent to eavesdrop on his father's meetings and wishing desperately to grow up and sit with the grownups.

Now that he is actually here, Alfred can't help but think of how foolish that dream was.

The prince was currently sitting at the end of the long table with his father on the other side. With his mother faithfully by the kings side, they remained deathly quiet while Alfred tried hard to keep up his emotionless facade. However, having both his parent's staring at him with such nonchalant expressions was beginning to wear down his mask.

Angry Mom and Dad, he can deal with.

Silent ones?

This was dangerous territory...

He felt himself involuntarily gulp, finally looking away from the stares when he couldn't handle it anymore. He heard his father chuckle, causing Alfred to clench his teeth in anger. He hated it, he hated the fact that after all these years, he still felt like the same, weak child. He trained day and night, he became the youngest general in Spades history, he formed a rebellion against the king himself! So why... Why can't he hold his dad's gaze?


Alfred felt himself flinch at the all too familiar icy tone, the one that could only belong to one person. He turned back to his father's emotionless face, sighing before he found the courage to respond.

"I'm sorry, but I think your going to have to elaborate for me."

He saw the kings face quickly morph into his usual fiery anger; from the snarl that bared his white teeth, the deep furrow of of his brows, and the unadulterated rage in his eyes. Alfred suddenly felt regret for his cheeky comment.

"You imbecile! Don't you try and play an innocent game, you know why the hell your in here boy!" As if to further emphasize his anger, he slammed his fist on the table - forming a small crack. "How could a general, a prince, my son, lose an important piece of land!"

"We conquered that territory for seven years, it was the one stronghold we had over Diamonds. Alfred dear, you better have a good reason." The queen smiled contemptuously.

The young prince felt a hard lump in his throat, trying desperately not to swallow lest he make himself look guiltier. He was so focused on the plan that he forgot to make time to think of what to say when he had to face his parents. Sure, he was good at being under pressure, but that was when it involved his body and fighting.

He was never really good with words on the spot.

"I'm sorry," Alfred began, "I didn't expect for any of this to happen. Normally my army could have handled Diamonds, but w-"

"I don't want excuses Alfred, I want a report on what happened." The king interrupted with a harsh glare.

The prince bit his tongue to keep from retorting something sarcastic back. "Yes father. Here is my report - Yesterday evening my men and I patrolled the territory of Diamonds as usual, and suspecting nothing of ill intent, I treated my knights to drink at a local pub. Around when the sun was coming down, a knight from Berwalds division rushed through the doors to warn us of an attack. When we left the pub, an army of Diamonds were waiting for us. Under normal circumstances we could have handled ourselves, however, my men were incapacitated. Upon calling a retreat, we met up with Berwald and Tino, who informed us of strange people in black attacking alongside the Diamonds."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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