Old Friends Meet Again

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"Rise and shine sleeping beauty, it's court time." Arthur heard from outside his cell. The guard opened the cell before entering with a pair of handcuffs. Arthur obliged, and the cuffs were put on his hands.

"Good luck mate, give 'em hell." Ralph grinned from the other side of the room.

"Wouldn't have it any other way git." Arthur smirked. He was then escorted out of his jail cell.

They walked out of the building where five other guards awaited, and Arthur was tossed in the back of the carriage. The horses set off, and Arthur was on his way to the court building.

'Yao said not to worry, but the guard clearly said that he didn't have the power to release him. So who were they talking about that does have the power? Wait, could they mean Alfred?' Arthur thought. His heart suddenly began to beat rapidly at the thought of seeing the prince again.

But that couldn't be right, no way would Alfred want to see him. He was the one who ended their friendship in the first place.

But who else could it be?

"That was faster than I expected, come on out were here." The man said. The door to the carriage was opened and Arthur was escorted once again. They walked inside the building and went to a room with a judge in the front of the room and a jury to the sidelines. The three guards that Arthur fought against were also there, and were glaring at him as he took his seat.

"Mister Arthur Kirkland, you are charged for the crime of assaulting members of the royal guards, attempted murder of members of the royal guard, treason against the king, public endangerment, and lastly, littering. How do you plead?" The judge said.

"HE IS GUILTY! I WAS ATTACKED FOR DOING MY JOB, AND NOW I HAVE INJURIES DUE TO THIS COMMONER!" The guard from yesterday yelled out. The other two agreed instantly.

"Mr. Kirkland, it is a very severe crime to attack royal guards, and you'll be lucky if you get life in prison. But looking at the report, your more likely to be sentenced to execution." The Judge spoke emotionlessly.

"I don't regret what I did, does it say in your little report that they tried murdering an innocent lad in broad daylight?" Arthur seethed.


"You lying rats!" Arthur yelled. But it seemed that the judge and the jury were believing the guards side of the story.

"We have no evidence or eye witness testifying in your favor Mr. Kirkland. And the truth of the matter is, it is three against one." The judge said. The other three guards smirked at Arthur.

The jury were sent to the back for about five minutes until they returned. The man at the end stood up, and cleared his throat.

"On the case of The People vs Kirkland, the jury has found Arthur Kirkland gui--"

Out of no where the doors flew open, and created a loud sound as it hit the walls. Everyone turned around and gasped at exactly who was at the entrance.

"Seems like I made it right on time." Alfred said smirking along with Yao at his side. Arthur's eyes were glued to the prince who looked completely different from years ago. Alfred's hair was a tad bit longer but still had the same hairstyle and cow lick, his eyes were still the same beautiful shade of blue he remembered, but the man in front of him was no longer a boy.

"Prince Alfred, what brings you here?" The judge asked bewildered.

"I'm here because I say Arthur is innocent, and he is leaving with me." Alfred answered, giving the judge a challenging look.

"B-But my lord, he attacked us! We have injuries due to him!" The same guard spoke again. Alfred looked at the three guards, and scoffed at them.

"Don't worry about that, you three are relieved from your duty. If you couldn't handle your own against one man, what use are you?" Alfred answered back.

They were all shocked at the sudden outcome, and Yao used the moment to walk over to get the guard with the keys to open up the chains.

"Come on, let's go." Alfred said to Arthur with the familiar smile from years ago. Arthur was still in a state of shock, but he followed both Alfred and Yao anyways.

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