The Spades Festival

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Arthur swung his sword across in front of him in one fluid movement. He quickly took a step back, then grabbed the base of the sword with both hands as he stepped forward and stabbed the air in a powerful strike.

"Woo hoo Artie!! That was amazing!" Alfred exclaimed from his sitting position on the ground, safely away from Artie's sword practice in front of him. Arthur sheathed the sword in its holster, then wiped some sweat off of his forehead with his sleeve.

"Thank you, although such amazing skill should be expected from a Kirkland." Arthur said, letting the Prince's compliment fuel up his ego. Alfred sweat dropped at Arthur's conceitedness.

"Oh I almost forgot! Look at this cool move I learned!" Alfred yelled as he jumped off the floor and ran in front of the lake, Arthur momentarily stopping his boasts to watch him from a short distance.

Alfred stood at the edge of the lake, then, he took in a huge amount of air through his nose and released it to calm himself. He lifted one leg and tentatively placed it on the water, but, he didn't sink in. He placed the other foot on the water, then continued to walk much to Arthur's surprise.

"I can finally walk on water! Isn't it cool Artie!?" Alfred excitedly yelled as he turned to look at the British boy. Arthur looked at him with a genuine smile.

"Good job Alfred."

Alfred grinned and did a little happy dance on the water, too excited to remember about keeping the magic up to stay above water.


Alfred yelped as he fell in the water, a big splash shooting up from where he sank. Arthur was on the floor dying of laughter by the time Alfred swam on shore. His face was flushed with embarrassment.

"Stop laughing!" Alfred angrily pouted, his cheeks turning a few shades redder. After a few excruciating moments, it seemed Arthur calmed down enough to talk.

"Ok...ok, I'm fine." Arthur said as he lifted himself off the floor, his cheeks a little pink from all the laughing. He moved towards Alfred and ruffled his hair.

"I'm sorry, let's go and get you dried up." Arthur smiled. Alfred's face turned more red at the intimate touch. Arthur took his hand off of Alfred's head, much to his disappointment, and started the walk up the hill. Alfred followed behind him, his shoes making a squelching noise with each step.

Alfred and Arthur were sneakily trying to make it back to Arthur's home, which was very hard to do when it is daytime. They made it hiding in alleys, carts, trashcans (much to Alfred's dislike), and behind buildings. Why are they hiding you ask? Well, the Prince of Spades doesn't just take a stroll everyday on the poor side of town does he?

"Mom! I'm home!" Arthur yelled as he slammed the front door behind him, finally able to breath now that he and Alfred were inside. "Oh, and I brought a friend along!"

"Oh Arthur? Your here early." A voice called out, her voice had a very soothing tone, like her words were dripped with honey. A woman came in carrying a laundry basket. She had golden blonde hair that reached her back with beautiful waves, she had very light green colored eyes, different from Arthur's dark emerald eyes. She has normal eyebrows (Alfred admittedly noticed this detail first), and although she has no makeup on she still looked beautiful. She also wore a simple cream-colored dress that reached her ankles.

"Oh it seems your friend is wet, let's g-"

Her eyes widened as she took a good look at Alfred. He had a long sleeved, white shirt that was of course a buttoned up. He was wearing a blue, silk vest that opened at the front, and he was wearing brown shorts that were obviously made of fine material. Even his black shoes screamed out 'I'm rich!'. But the most obvious reason for her sudden stop was that she recognized that face and cowlick anywhere.

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