Trapped Final Part

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We were running away from the guards really fast. But, why the hell are we even running? The last thing I remember was watching the performance then next thing I know, Arthur is dragging me away from a room.

"What's happening?!" I yell out, but I still didn't get an answer. Arthur finally made it to where the owls were at, with the army slowly approaching us.

"Damn it all, get on the bird!" Arthur yelled out hurriedly.

"What happened?!"

"We don't have time to argue!"

"Not until you tell me whats going on! Why are we running?" I yelled out as I took a step back.

"We were tricked! I'll tell you later but if we don't leave, we will have a bigger problem!" Arthur yelled as he forcibly grabbed my arm and slung me behind him on the owl. We took off in the air as soon as the army arrived.

"You're wrong. The queen wouldn't do this! There has to be some kind of explanation." I yelled back to Arthur over the sound of the loud flapping wings of the owl.

"She lied to you, why else would she send these wankers after us!?" Arthur said, making a valuable point. I look back and gasp at the sight. It looked like the whole army was after us, and in the back I could vaguely see the queen herself.

I hold on to Arthur tighter, finally believing him. We were gaining some distance, finally making it to a forest, until our bird was shot in the wing with a cursed arrow.

"Shit!" Was all that Arthur had to say as he was trying to get control of the falling bird. I started screaming as I closed my eyes and clutched onto Arthur, really freakin scared right now.

As the bird kept getting closer to the ground, and as their chances of dieing were steadily increasing, Arthur finally decided to use his last option.

"Seque in excelsum levat!" Yelled Arthur as a green magic aura surrounded him. Almost immediately, Arthur grabbed me and we stopped falling as the bird hit the ground. We were slowly descending, finally making it to the ground safely.

I looked at Arthur with wide eyes as his green magic was going away. We just stared at each other despite the danger approaching.

"Arthur... you have magic." I finally said. He flinched when I spoke and was about to tell me something until an arrow flew right next to us.

"We need to run!" He yelled as we ran as fast as we could. Three owls with 4 guards dropped in front of us, forcing us to quickly turn left. We were stopped once again with more soldiers, turning right didn't help either since there were even more.

We were surrounded.

Arthur and I were in the middle of all these fairy guards, and they had their weapons pointed towards us. Then, an opening was made to allow the queen to come in the middle.

"Leaving so soon? You haven't even stayed for the grand finale." The queen said in mock sympathy. Behind her I could see Kanaki, the fairy that was with Arthur, but he looked upset about what was happening. But, that couldn't be, could it?

"We aren't staying here! Whatever you have planned for Alfred isn't going to happen!" Arthur yelled. The queen looked at him in anger as she out stretched her arm, a long wooden spike shot from underground and stabbed Arthur through the stomach.

"Arthur!" I screamed as I ran over to him. Blood was running down the spike, and some drizzled down his mouth. Arthur held on to the spike with his hands as he gritted his teeth in pain.

"D-Damn.. this hurts.." he huffed out.

"Because of you, my plans were ruined! I should have gotten rid of you the moment you came, then the prince would have been mine!" The queen yelled in fury.

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