Finding the Healer Part Two

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The sun rose up, awakening Alfred who was sleeping peacefully in his bed. Once he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, the Prince got up and quickly changed into a simple pair of black pants, shoes, and a white t shirt with his blue cloak. He picked up his black bag that he packed last night containing: Shirts, pants, medical stuff, snacks, and his toothbrush with toothpaste.

Lastly, he got his scythe that was sitting in the corner. The long weapon was his prized possession, and was deadly in combat. After doing one last look over, he decided that it was time.

"Are you sure your ready for this? If you get caught, there is no way your getting out of trouble." Matthew said, standing at the doorway along with Yao.

"There is no way I'm going to be caught Matt, and besides, the hero always prevails!" Alfred grinned, pumping his fist in the air.

"Although this is very stupid, idiotic and just plain suicidal... Good luck aru." Yao sighed.

"Things will get too boring around here if you die, so don't do anything stupid Al." Matthew smiled.

"I will come back I swear. Besides, I can't die because I haven't become the king yet." Alfred smirked. He gave one last wave goodbye before he sneakily jumped out the window and landed on the branch from the tree outside. He climbed down the Birch tree, and ran out the courtyard before any guards could come and do their hourly inspection.

Once out in the streets, he walked to Arthur's house. Luckily, it looked like hardly anyone was awake yet, but if they didn't want to be caught they would have to leave the moment he gets there.

Outside of the house, stood Arthur ready and packed to go. Once Arthur noticed Alfred, they immediately left to the Kingdom entrance where two guards awaited. Getting closer, Arthur instantly recognised their faces.

"Berwald? Tino? You two are guards?!" Arthur said, surprised at the discovery.

"Hello Arthur and Alfred, where are you two going?" Tino asked.

"We're going on an adventure Tino! Me and Arthur here will be back in a few days, so if anyone asks about me, just say I went to train at the Banyu Temple!" Alfred said, swinging an arm around the smaller man.

"Get your hands off of me." Arthur hissed, slapping the offending arm off of him.

"I hate to cut this conversation short, but you better leave before anyone else walks by. And good luck." Tino said, and Berwald nodded in agreement. Alfred and Arthur waved, and walked away from the front gate.

Once they were a fairly good distance away from the walls of the Spades Kingdom, Alfred decided to strike up conversation.

It didn't go well.

"Well as long as we stay on the trail, it should take about two days to be in Diamond territory. But, we would have to stray from the trail right before we reach their walls and find another way in without being noticed. I was thinking we can sneak in through an underwater passage, we could easily go straight to Francis himself, and we don't have to risk being caught. What do you think Arthur?" Alfred asked, smiling at the older man.

"I have no experience outside the Spades wall, so it would be wise to stick to your plan." Arthur replied, still looking ahead and not sparing Alfred a glance.

"I can't believe we are actually doing this! We haven't been on an adventure in a long while, and I'm so glad to be doing this with you Artie!" Alfred exclaimed, not noticing the other man immediately stiffening.

Arthur stopped, his hair falling over his eyes as he faced the floor.

'Your the best Artie!'

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