New Secrets

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"M-My Lord, the k-king sent me t-to tell you he needs to s-s-speak with you." Matthew stuttered, bowing as he stood in front of Alfred's door.

"Ok I'm coming, and what did I  tell you about calling me 'My Lord?' Just call me Alfred." The young Prince said as he smiled at the other boy.

"S-Sorry about that, I'll t-try to remember next time. If you'll e-excuse me, I have to go t-tend to the Queen." Matthew said as he bowed and hurried down the hall.

Alfred sighed, but nonetheless he prepared himself to go face his father. Maybe afterwards, he can go and find Arthur and they could go to Mr. Rutland. Thinking about Arthur made Alfred blush a little, the 9 year old couldn't understand why his heart did this. And especially what happened at the Spades festival, the feeling just intensified.

Alfred shook his head to clear his mind, he has to be focused when he talks to his father. So after straighting his tie and hiding the necklace in his shirt, he headed towards the Kings room.

The walk wasn't long, and soon enough the young Prince was in front of his father sitting on the throne.

"Alfred, I trust that you have eaten your breakfast before you came? A young boy needs to eat food if he is going to grow up big and strong." His father asked.

"Of course father."

"That's good to hear. Now, as for the reason you were called here." Alfred gulped, steadily getting nervous at how serious his voice sounded.

"For one, your lessons will be increasing. We are in war and you are growing older, and soon enough you'll have to learn to rule this kingdom after me. That means more tutoring on exactly how the kingdom works, and you will be learning how to fight hand to hand combat, how to fight with your own weapon, and I will personally teach you how to control your powers over water. I cannot teach you about the powers of the clock however, since that power is only given to you when I relinquish the clock to you." The king of Spades said, his voice as cold as ice.

"I understand, I will do all that I am required to do." Alfred said, bowing again towards the intimidating figure.

"It is only expected as your duties of a Prince. Now for the other reason why I called you here. You are apart of the highest ranking system of royalty, it is disgusting that you should involve yourself with a simple commoner."

Alfred froze, his eyes wide as he stared at his father. Is he talking about Arthur? No, it can't be, how would he know? Unless.. he saw him at the birthday party.

"F-Father, he is my bestfriend, he is special to m--"

"ALFRED! HOW DARE YOU BEFRIEND A FILTHY PEASANT!" His father yelled, his strong voice scaring Alfred as cold sweat ran down his cheek.

"You are a Prince, you are too good for the likes of that boy. I expect you to get rid of him, you will no longer have any contact with him." He said, his eyes narrowing at the young boy.


"Hey Artie, how has your book been coming along?" Alfred asked, sitting next to the British boy in front of the lake. It was nighttime, but Alfred had blackmailed Yao to pretend to be him.

Evil, he knows, but that is payback for knocking him down the hill for a panda.

"Well, it is certainly almost filled up. I'm going to need another one soon with you around, since you always manage to take us on crazy adventures." Arthur chuckled. He set the book down in front of them, the outside cover reflecting the moonlight.

"I want to show you something. I know how you like reading my journal so I added something in. It's not much, but I think you'll like it." Arthur said with a blush. Alfred had a curious look on his face, wondering exactly what Arthur was talking about. Arthur leaned forward and slowly lifted the hard cover of the journal, revealing the first page.

Property of,

Arthur Kirkland and Alfred Jones

Alfred stared at the page in surprise. Arthur is having the book be theirs? Alfred blushed, knowing that something belonged to only two of them made the familiar feeling in his chest appear again.

"Like I said, it's not much but I thought it would be nice to add you in." Arthur said, smiling at the younger boy. Alfred looked up and stared at Arthur's emerald eyes with a happy smile.

"Thank you."


"No." Alfred said.

"What did you say.." His father asked, his words coming out as threatening as possible.

"I won't give him up, he is my bestfriend! He is not just another peasant, he is special to me! Being with him for a year has been the best thing to ever happen to me! He has taught me so many things, one of them being having a heart. Something that you don't have." Alfred yelled, his fear long gone and replaced with anger.

"You dare speak to me like that? It was not an option up for debate, it was an order. You will no longer be allowed any contact with Arthur." The king said dangerously.

"You will not do this! Without him, I would have ended up a monster like you! Like hell I'll listen t--- wait.." Alfred stopped, his eyes narrowing. "How do you know his name.."

The king gave an evil smirk.

"Your friend Arthur Kirkland, youngest of four brothers. His three older brother's were brought here 5 years ago on the charge of having magic. This makes me wonder, does the youngest brother have the same magic abilities as his older siblings?"

"He doesn't! If he did I would know!" Alfred yelled, desperately hoping his father doesn't see through the lie.

The king stayed quiet, glaring at his son for any sort of reaction. After a few moments of intense quiet, the king spoke again.

"Since you are my son, I will let the matter of the boy possibly having magic go, be thankful. However, what is your answer for me ordering you to stay away from that commoner?" His father asked unemotionally.

"I will not do it, I cannot leave Arthur." Alfred replied honestly, looking at his father seriously.

"I see... Then how about I give you a little something to help you decide." The king said as he snapped his fingers. Immediately, two guards came in carrying a red headed man in cuffs.

"Why don't you take a guess on who he is? I'm sure you'll be quite surprised." His father said, smirking at the scene in front of him.

The mysterious man looked up, his red hair a mess from not being washed in a while, he had dark green eyes, and his sharp features were very prominent on his face. He looked about 17 or 18, but the one thing that finally made Alfred realize who he was were the eyebrows.

Only one family had eyebrows like that.

"Y-Your Arthur's brother? But how?"


Hey everyone! I hope you enjoy this new update, and sorry about that cliffhanger! Hehehe

Before I continue this story, I will like to make a very important statement. It was brought to my attention that my story resembled a similar story called "The Drop of an Apple."

I would like to point out that I was not aware of the other story until I got messages about it, and I would never steal another authors work. So in order to make it up, I will be going back and changing a few things on my story, not anything drastically, but just enough to make this story different.

Thank you very much for listening, and have an awesome rest of the day.

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