Happy Birthday

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One step... Two steps.... Be extra quiet.
Hahaha, that imp will never see it coming! Currently, the small red creature was drinking water from the lake and Arthur and Alfred were hiding behind some convenient bushes. It was a small creature, and had wings as big as its body. The imp also had horns on its head and long arms with claws.

(And since the author is horrible at descriptions, this is the imp)

Alfred and Arthur were trying to capture the creature, and hopefully try and tame it! Leaning into the bushes, They tried to get a better view of it

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Alfred and Arthur were trying to capture the creature, and hopefully try and tame it! Leaning into the bushes, They tried to get a better view of it. The imp must have heard the boys because it shot its head up and looked at the bushes where the children were at, squinting his little yellow eyes. Both Alfred and Artie then looked at each other, the older boy nodded his head.

Get him!

"Gaaaaahh!!!" both of them battled cried as they jumped out of the bushes towards the horrified imp. But the small creature was one step ahead of them as it jumped out of the way at the last second.


The two boys face planted the water. After a series of angry British curses that would make even Francis blush, they got out of the water. On land, Alfred took off his shoe to get rid of a fish that miraculously found its way inside.

"That is the 5th imp we tried capturing today Alfred, I think you should really consider looking for another animal as your familiar." Arthur said.

"But Artie! What other choice do I have?! I've been looking for a familiar for a month now and I can't even capture one creature! Remember when we tried capturing the mermaid?!" Alfred whined and began to pout.

Arthur shivered at the memory, "Yes I remember that unfortunate incident, I can never look at sushi the same way again." This caused the prince to laugh hysterically.

"Shut up bloody wanker!" Arthur seethed as he hit the boy on the head.

"Hey! That's no way to treat a man on his birthday!" he yelled.

"Man? You barely turned 9 years old, still a wee little child." Arthur teased.

"Well you have more eyebrows than forehead!"

"Your shorter than a troll!"

"Oh yeah!? At least I'm not scared of heights!"

"Please, at least I don't have the same brain capabilities as a dead Dodo bird."

"You want to go limey!!!?" Alfred challenged. Arthur took the bait, causing them to punch, kick, roll and repeat. By the time they were found by Yao, the two of them were already covered in dirt, leaves and bruises.

"What am I gonna do with you two aru?" Yao said as he shook his head in disappointment.

"Oh hi Yao! Didn't see you there!" Alfred smiled as he was in the middle of Arthur's headlock. As soon as Arthur noticed the teen too, he let the younger boy go.

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