Finding the Healer Part Three

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"I'm serious Arthur, I heard something."

"Stop trying to sca--"

"Look what we have here, did you come to see me?~~" An eerie voice echoed from behind.


Alfred and Arthur immediately looked behind them, they both were prepared to face whatever demon was in the tunnel.

"Blast these dark halls, the lights don't help for shit." Arthur hissed, not worried about whispering anymore.

"J-Just what the hell was t-that?" Alfred stammered. The Prince was never good with his fear of ghosts, so having his worst nightmare come to life was taking a toll on him.

Alfred was shaking, and couldn't control his fear from eating at him.

"What do we have here? It's not everyday that I get visitor's. It's too bad I'm going to have to cut you open and steal your face~"

The feminine voice echoed throughout the tunnel, but neither Alfred or Arthur could pinpoint who was talking.

"Where are you!" Arthur asked, bringing out his sword. He looked to his right, and could see that Alfred wasn't doing good.

"Alfred, get up! I'm going to need you!" Arthur said. But it seemed it was no use, the teen was on his knees and shaking terribly.

Arthur walked closer to Alfred, and heard a laugh next to his ear.

He immediately rushed to his other side, sword pointed at whatever was in front of him. But was suddenly shocked to see just a face floating in air. But, it looked like it was skinned off from someone, and was smiling at him.

"What the hell is that?!" Arthur spat. He couldn't deny that he was beginning to get scared himself, but he needed to be strong for both him and Alfred. A few other faces came from shadows and joined the floating face, and some laughed while others cried. The sound was worse than Arthur could ever dream of.

"Come here my babies~~" The same eerie voice cooed. The faces rushed behind Arthur, and the British man turned around too. He widened his eyes, and took an involuntary step back.

"Aww, did I scare you?"

"W-What are you?" Arthur stammered

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"W-What are you?" Arthur stammered. He looked next to him, and knew that Alfred was still unable to fight. The Prince was shaking, and looked to be alone in his thoughts.

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