The Hardest Goodbye

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The birds chirped happily in the morning as Alfred sat in the carriage. The young boy could not smile, because today, he'll have to lose his best friend.

But he will be damned if his father thinks it will be a simple, "hey let's never talk again" and leave. No, today will be a day they will both remember. Alfred woke up early to spend the entire day with Arthur, and he will not leave back home until night.

So when the carriage stopped in front of the trail where the hidden hill is at, Alfred immediately hopped out and told the coachman to come back when the sun sets. The Prince walked down the hill where he found Arthur practicing on his swordsmanship. He was really amazing, the way he effortlessly stepped and maneuvered his movements with the sword Kanaki gave him is really magical.

Alfred watched for about 10 minutes until Arthur stopped, obviously tired from practicing for hours.

"That was amazing Artie!" Alfred exclaimed, letting himself be known.

"Alfred? How long have you been here?" Arthur asked, surprised by the sudden intrusion.

"Not that long! But I came early to hang out with you all day!"

"All day? Is there anything special about today or something?"

"No, I just wanted to be with you today."

Arthur wasn't going to question any further, so he sheathed his sword and waited for the younger boy to tell him his plans for today.

They went to Mr. Rutland first, and stayed a good two hours listening to tales of mystical creatures and beings. Alfred didn't expect to stay that long, but Mr. Rutland always had interesting stories that you get lost in. Once they were done, both of them said goodbye and left.

They then went to Cyclops territory. Alfred has always wanted to go, and today was a good of a day as ever. Contrary to what everyone says, Cyclops are not mean or blood thirsty savages. Cyclops are peaceful giants that are purely vegetarian, they do speak English (Although their voices are all deep since they're so tall), and they live on top of the southern mountains.

(Rather than write it out, here is how they look)

(Rather than write it out, here is how they look)

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Alfred wanted one last adventure with Arthur.

Of course since it was the first time either of them has been in Cyclops territory, they had to go and get permission from the King of Cyclops.

"I'll take you to see our king, Prince of Spades and his friend." The Cyclops guard said. Alfred thanked the giant, and they both followed him. They were barely tall enough to reach the Cyclops calf on his leg, and the rest of the Cyclops towered over them as well. Their village was older than that of the Spades Kingdom, the houses were huts, the streets were dirt, and sheep, cows, chickens, horses and pigs walked around freely. When they made it to the king, they were surprised to find out his house was like every other hut. Normally, Kings liked being in fancy castles or mansions.

"Go inside, the king always has time for guests since outsiders are pretty rare here." The deep voice of the Cyclops said. So that's what they did, and inside sat the king of Cyclops on a huge chair, holding what looked like a toddler Cyclops. The little Cyclops was giggling and the king of Cyclops was making funny faces before he looked at them and stopped.

"S-Sorry for intruding! We didn't mean to!" Arthur said. Both of them expected the king to be mad or furious that they rudely came in without his permission. But what they didn't expect, was a loud, boisterous laughter from the King.

"Don't be sorry strangers, I am not embarrassed to be seen playing with my boy. Here why don't you say hello Alcaeus." The king said as he placed his son on the floor. The little Cyclops (Although he was still bigger than them) smiled.

"Hello! My name is Alcaeus and I am 5 years old!" He said, bouncing on his feet with the energy a normal kid has. Alfred and Arthur smiled and said hello to him, before putting their attention back on the king.

"Hello, my name is Alfred Jones and this is my best friend Arthur. We were wondering if we may have permission to stay in your village until the sun sets down. If it is ok with you my lord." Alfred said.

"There is no need to be so formal, please just call me Gaios. Though it does surprise me that the Prince of Spades would want to travel to my kingdom, may you tell me your reason?" Gaios asked with a kind smile.

"I am here with my friend to admire your village, nothing more, nothing less." Alfred replied with a smile of his own. Gaios looked at them both, and widely grinned.

"In that case I grant you permission. And young Prince, I know it is none of my business, but I do hope your kingdom does well in these hard times. I was starting to have my doubts, but I can see that you are a kind boy who will no doubt be an excellent king." The king said. Alfred was speechless.

They soon left the Kings hut, and explored the village. They got to meet all of the Cyclops, and even helped catch some chickens that escaped one of their coops. Alfred and Arthur ate carrot soup from one of the elder Cyclops, but not all of it due to the huge bowl it was served in. As it turned later, they decided to watch an outdoor play. The performance was about a female Cyclops who was a princess, and her younger sister overthrew her and took the throne. So the princess was supposedly killed, but in reality she ran away to another kingdom. She found a male Cyclops who was a soldier and she fell in love, but she never mentioned being the princess. Only when word came out that her sister was executing innocent people did she reveal her identity, but she ran away to her kingdom to reclaim her crown. In the end, the soldier followed her and they managed to defeat the sister. They get married soon after, and they ruled the kingdom as king and queen.

It was extraordinary to say the least, Alfred and Arthur couldn't keep their eyes of the performance. When it finished, they realized that the sun had already set. Gaios himself escorted them to the gate of the village, and they all said goodbye as they parted ways.

Arthur used his spell to make a bright green light appear in his hands, and they walked back to their hill. Arthur stopped the spell before they climbed up the hill to see the coachman waiting patiently.

"Do you want me to drop you off Artie?"

"Thank you but no, I live closer and I feel like walking off all that carrot soup from earlier. We should go back one day, I really enjoyed it." Arthur laughed, making Alfred laugh along with him.

"Yeah... We should." Alfred said. They stopped laughing and the young Prince looked at the taller boy.

"Well goodbye Alfred, I'll see you tomorrow" Arthur was going to turn around and walk away but Alfred leaped forward and hugged him.

"What happened? Is something wrong?" Arthur asked, concern was on his features as he hugged the younger boy back.

Alfred didn't say anything for a while, he just wanted to feel the familiar warmth of the boy who changed his life in one year. He refused to cry, because this is not going to be a goodbye. They will see each other again, but for now.... He has to leave for both of their sakes.

"I just wanted a goodbye hug..."


Another chapter down! I hope you enjoyed reading, and an update will be soon!

On a side note, I don't really know if Cyclops eat humans or anything but I decided to make them kind giants.

Thank you and goodnight!

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