We Have a Plan

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"Arthur dear, do you want tea?" Mrs. Kirkland says, prepping up a pot of hot water on the stove.

"Yes mum, thank you very much." Arthur smiles, sitting down on the chair in the small kitchen. He watched in awe as his mother, who days ago couldn't sit down because she was in unbearable pain, stands up and wanders around the house. At the first sign of recovering, she refused to be bedridden any longer, and her old vigor came back stronger than ever.

Arthur couldn't thank Lili enough. He promised that one day, he will repay that kind Queen.

His mother came back with two cups of steaming tea, and sat down next to Arthur to enjoy a fine morning. The sky was blue, and clouds littered the skies with their white puffiness. The day was perfect, but in the back of his mind he couldn't help but think that it's been three days since Alfred and him have returned from the Kingdom of Diamonds, and Arthur hasn't heard a word from him. Arthur was at the most part, confused on what to do. Was he supposed to go to the hideout? Or was he supposed to wait for the Prince to come? Either way, Arthur was happy enough being with his mom.

"My son, when is your friend coming over? I never got to thank him for helping getting the cure for me." His mother asks. Well, seems like she was thinking along the same thoughts.

"I don't know mum," Arthur replies. "But when I see him again I'll be sure to let him know."

"Oh," she says, finishing her tea. "When are you two meeting again?"

"That git just comes and goes, but he will pop up sooner or later." Arthur sighs, setting down his finished cup of tea. He looks at his mom, and arch's an eyebrow at her confused face. He followed her line of sight, and gasped at an eagle perched at the window.

"Tony?" Arthur questioned. He stood up and opened the sliding window to allow the eagle in. Tony flew to the kitchen table, and lifted his leg to reveal a tiny note.

Arthur closed the window, and walked over to remove the note from Tony's leg. He opened it, and read the message inside.

Dear Arthur,
Sorry about the late response, I've been busy with arranging some things. By the time you get this letter, I need you to get ready and follow Tony to the hideout. This letter is pretty small, and it will disappear by the time your done reading, so I'll explain things when you get here.

Signed, Alfred.

Arthur looked over the small note once more, and knew that whatever the idiot was talking about, it must be important if he'd have to send Tony instead of coming himself.

"What is it dear?" Mrs. Kirkland asked, curiously looking over Arthur's shoulder to the eagle on her kitchen table

"It's about Alfred, mum, it's nothing serious. But I have to change and get going soon." Arthur said, and true to its words, the note disappeared in tiny fragments into the air. Tony waited patiently as Arthur changed into a white shirt with ruffles at the neckline, a brown leather coat and matching brown pants.

"Be careful Arthur, and don't get into trouble!" Mrs. Kirkland said.

"Don't worry mum, there's nothing I can't handle." Arthur hugged his mom and waved goodbye as he walked out the door with Tony on his shoulder. Arthur strolled through town until the Western woods came into view. He walked the familiar path, but he relied on the eagle to remind him where the hidden path to the hideout was at.

A little ways into their walk, and Tony lightly screeched as he flapped his wings and flew to his branch. Getting the message, Arthur waved goodbye to the bird and pushed his way through the bushes and hanging vines. Finally, he was at the secret hideout.

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