The Rebels

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"Can't believe I made it in time, and the dramatic entrance made it so much better! We should do this again someday." Alfred droned on.

Arthur remained quiet and let Alfred mindlessly talk. He didn't care whether he was talking to Yao or him, Arthur was trying to make out what happened to him.

He was sent to jail and got rescued by his old childhood friend he hadn't seen for eleven years. And now he is following the prince to an unknown place.

Arthur looked around, the buildings were starting to get more distant as they walked a path in the western woods. He wanted to ask where they were going, but both Alfred and Yao appeared to be ignoring him, yet making sure he was still following.

"Alfred, we are here. You still have time to change your mind." Yao said, stopping in the path to cross his arms.

Alfred stopped too. He turned to Yao and said, "I'm positive about this, besides I trust him completely." Alfred smiled.

Arthur was confused, and he hated not knowing what was going on. They were talking about him like he was not standing just behind them.

"Terribly sorry for interrupting, but I followed you two for long enough. Where exactly do you plan on taking me?" Arthur asked, trying not to let his agitation show in his voice.

"Don't worry, were already here." Alfred spoke up, finally turning around to face him.

"What do you mean? We are in the middle of the path." Arthur questioned.

"That's where your wrong Arthur, you have to look beyond what you can see." Alfred said, and turned to point at an eagle sitting on one of the branches of the tree.

"His name is Tony, he is our lookout. Tony stays there so we don't forget where the hideout is, and to warn us of intruders." Alfred said, pulling out a piece of meat from somewhere in his blue cloak to feed the eagle that flown down when it saw it.

"Remember what Lukas said, you can't spoil him too much." Yao scolded.

"Aww but look how cute he is! I can't help it that he knows how to work his charm." Alfred whined while Tony rubbed his head against his arm, before pecking at his ear.

"Ow! Come on Tony!"

"Let's go, I'm sure Arthur is already getting restless." Yao smiled reassuringly to Arthur.

Tony flew back on the same branch he was on when they came, and Alfred and Yao walked through the bushes. Arthur sighed, and because he didn't know the Western woods that well, he followed.

They walked through a few bushes and hanging vines before the path was clear again, and in the distance Arthur could see what looked to be a cabin. The walls were made of logs and had a chimney on the roof, and the porch had a small garden in the front. It looked relatively new, Arthur estimated it could fit about 30 people.

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