11 Years

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'Eleven years... Its been eleven years since I've last seen that git.'

Arthur sighed at where his thoughts took him. The -now- 21 year old man was resting under a tree that offered plenty of shade. Every now and again he would think back to when he knew the blonde haired boy who had blue eyes as beautiful as the sky, a smile as perfect as the sun, and most importantly, his best friend. Alfred was nine years old when he last saw him...

At first, Arthur was upset. Did he do something wrong? Did Alfred finally grow sick of him? Then, his emotions turned to anger. Arthur was pissed that Alfred had left selfishly without giving a proper reason. He actually stormed the castle and raised hell at the front gate for three days straight. Alfred never came out. Instead, Yao was the one who reasoned with him to leave before he got himself killed. Years later, Arthur had finally convinced himself to move on. Besides, if he thought about it, their friendship wasn't going to last anyways. Alfred is the prince, and would have been a king when they grew older, they would have grown apart anyways so maybe it was a good thing they ended their relationship early.

But he still couldn't forget the memories.

Shaking his head, Arthur finally stood up from his position on the ground. He really didn't want to indulge in the past today, so he decided to just go home and see what his mother needed him to do today. She fell deathly ill in the last two years, and they didn't have enough money to take her to the hospital, so Arthur took it upon himself to take care of her. He tried all he could, but he knew that if his mother isn't treated soon, she'll die... That scared him more than anything.

Arthur made his way to town, he needed to get food before he went home. Walking through the food market, Arthur bought tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, potatoes, and a very cheap pork. Silently praising himself for his amazing money-saving skill, he carried the bags in his arms and looked around for anything else she would like. Arthur was almost done crossing the street when a child ran into him.

"Are you ok? You shouldn't run lad." Arthur said with concern.

"I'm sorry but I have to go n--"

"Your not going anywhere brat!"

Three guards ran forward and raised their weapons towards the little boy. The street stopped its normal noisy chatter to look at the scene playing out in front of everyone. The little boy stood up with a defiant expression and faced the guards.

"Don't you idiots have anything better to do then chase a kid around?!" He said. The guards immediately got more angrier.

"You are arrested for stealing money from Royal guards! You don't go and take money from us without facing consequences brat!" The main soldier snarled.

"I don't care! You royals are nothing but money hungry jerks! I just wanted to buy some honey buns for my sister!" Arthur could hear the crowd gasp, but no one had made a move to defend the child.

"Do you know the punishment for stealing?" The man asked smirking.

"Its to chop of those filthy hands of yours!" The other guard answered.

The little boy was shocked, he tried looking around at the crowd but they all refused to make eye contact. No one wanted to throw their life away for a random child.

"Normally we would arrest you and let the court handle your punishment, but I really dislike your face you street rat! So I'll save everyone's time by killing you where you stand!" The first soldier yelled as he swung down his ax. The little boy closed his eyes in fear, but heard a loud clanking noise.

"You honestly call yourself soldiers? Your job is to protect, not to kill children." Arthur smirked as he stopped the guards ax with his sword. The crowd started forming more people who were equally stunned at Arthur's display.

"How dare you raise a weapon against me! I'll kill you first!" The guard swung his ax down again, but Arthur dodged easily. Before he could raise his ax again, Arthur sliced the guards back, wounding him greatly.

His screaming was heard throughout the street, and the two other guards sprung into action. They were no match against the skilled swordsman, and were easily defeated. Unfortunately, their little fight attracted other guards. 'About twenty five' Arthur counted.

"Put down your sword! You are arrested for the crime of assaulting three members of the royal guards!" The guard in front said.

Arthur looked behind him and smiled at the little Blond-haired boy. He had dark blue eyes, and to his surprise the boy had some impressive eyebrows too. 'Guess that wasn't a Kirkland trait after all' Arthur mentally noted. The kid was watching in awe the whole time, and never looked away from Arthur once.

"Go." Arthur whispered softly to him. The child cried while looking at Arthur, he nodded and ran away. When Arthur was sure that the boy ran far enough, he sheathed his sword and put his hands in the air.

The guards rushed in and grabbed him by his arms. His groceries were long forgotten, they laid spread out in the street. Arthur had no time to muse as he was forcibly dragged in the direction of the castle.

'Sorry mom, looks like I might be late for dinner...'


Hello everyone! I would like to apologize first for the long update, I had a minor surgery and had to focus on my health for some time.

Other than that, I hope you all enjoyed another chapter and I wish you all goodnight!

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