Trapped part 2

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"Hey wake up! We don't have all day!" An annoyed voice rang out. Arthurs eyebrow began to twitch at being poked at. His eyes begin to open slowly till he remembered exactly what happened a few moments ago. He immediately sprang up to frantically look around.

"Alfred?!" The boy yelled out. Something hits him on the head, earning a painful 'ouch'. Arthur turns to glare at the tall fairy who was obviously a guard, having long black hair tied in a pony tail, purple eyes, wearing bright yellow armor that opened on the back to allow his transparent wings to spread free and a metal staff, the weapon that he dared use against him.

"Calm down kid, your friend is over there." The fairy says while pointing to the left of him. The boy turns and there was Alfred, talking to three other guards. Arthur immediately sweat-drops, the brat looks like he is having the time of his life. Doesn't that idiot know that they are stuck here!?! He turns to glare at the guard again.

"Why did you bring us here?" He harshly asks. They are playing a tricky game right now, why did they bring them to their world?

"Actually kid, we brought the prince over there, you decided to jump in and tag along." The guard spoke sarcastically, making Arthur more angry. But he stopped in his tracks, they wanted the prince. They wanted Alfred, for what?

"What do you want with Alfred?" Arthur asked suspiciously.

"Calm down kid, your interrogating look is making your eyebrows grow." He said with a smirk.

Arthur hated him. Oh he bloody hated him.

"How dare you talk to me like that you wanker!" Arthur yelled out, making the guard laugh. Alfred walks over after hearing all the commotion.

"Artie your awake! This is so awesome I got to meet fairies! They even said that we're going to meet the queen!" Alfred spoke excitedly. Arthur was halfway in a (very good) insult towards the bloody guard when an idea struck him. The queen was the only one who could open the portal! She could let them out! Well, only if she wanted to.

"The queen?" Arthur said, making Alfred nod up and down. The guard he was arguing with steps forward and motions the other three to come.

"My name is Kanaki Kaminski, I am the general of the royal army. My men and I were sent to take you two personally to the queen." He said with the annoying smirk he always seemed to have. Arthur let out a 'hmmph' showing him that he didn't care of his stupid title, which only made the fairy smirk more.

"Well we wasted enough time, let's get going." Kanaki said as he began to lead the way on a path. They all followed him, giving the boys enough time to take in their surroundings. They were very small, and everything looked so much bigger. Rocks looked like hills, flowers were as big as small trees. Alfred gulped, really hating the fact that he felt puny.

"Alrighty, hop on." Kanaki said, pulling them out of their trance. Arthur looked over to where his voice was heard only to gasp. In front of them were owls with saddles strapped on them. Are they really going to ride them?

"Like hell I'm going on that!" He exclaimed, getting ready to turn around to try and find a way out himself until the back of his shirt was grabbed.

"What the hell--"

"Have a nice trip kid!" That Damn guard said as he threw the boy on top of one of the owls.

"Noooooo!!" Arthur yelled as the bird flew up in the air.

I'm going to kill him!


The owls flew down, as soon as they reached the ground Arthur jumped off the bloody thing and kissed the ground.

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