New Friend

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Alfred and Yao finally made it to the trail they were on the last time. Clutching the book, Alfred was determined to find the same path he fell through. But, that was easier said then done.

He didn't know where it was and couldn't remember where he tripped the last time. Which was strange since it's pretty hard to hide an entire lake in the woods like this. The two walked for a while and Alfred grew worrisome if maybe they passed the hideout.

Meanwhile, Yao was keeping an eye on the young prince. "Stay close to me young prince." He spoke. There was no way he was slipping through his fingers this time! Yao was a fearless Jack! An amazing, dedicated, handsome, fant--


His mantra was long forgotten as Yao turned faster than the speed of light to chase the adorable panda down, accidentally knocking Alfred down in the process.


Alfred rolled down the hill, finally making it to the bottom. "That Damn Jack! Just wait until I get back up! I'll kill him!" Alfred angrily yelled. While he was busy listing off ways to demolish the Jack who dared pushed him down the hill, he didn't notice a certain someone walking towards him.

"Hey you git! Your the little spoiled prat who stole my journal!" Yelled a familiar pissed off british. Alfred turned around and saw the older boy stomping towards him.

Wow, his angry eyebrows was a sight see.

Arthur was furious. He did not take kindly to his stuff being stolen. When he made it to the prince, he snatched his book away from him.

"I didn't know the future king was a thief too." He sneered. Arthur began to walk away until he felt something hit the back of his head. He turned around quickly to see a red-faced Alfred clutching a rock.

"Don't you accuse me of being a thief!" Alfred yelled, being pissed for having such an accusation made towards him. "You left it here the last time we meet, I took it because you forgot it!"

"So you took it, even when you knew it was mine. And you left without letting me know. So that doesn't sound like the characteristics of a thief?" Arthur said rising an eyebrow, looking at the prince with a 'seriously' look.

Alfred dropped the rock, and began to blush in embarrassment. "I-I-I meant t-to give it back!!!" He stuttered. "Just because those are the characteristics of a thief, doesn't mean I did it purposely!"

Arthur, after looking at the faces Alfred was making, began to laugh. He couldn't help it, they were just so adorable on the lad.

"Don't laugh at me!" Alfred yelled. He finally got his stutter under control, but his face was still a little pink from having someone laugh at him.

"Ok, ok." Arthur said, having calmed down from his laughing fit. "So do tell, why did you take my journal?" Arthur said, walking to the middle of the large, green field. Alfred followed behind.

"I didn't mean to, I just found the book and it looked interesting. But I swear I wasn't planning on keeping it Arthur!" Alfred said, standing in front of the older boy.

"But it seems you read it, that's how you know my name." Arthur said, looking at Alfred with a blank face. Alfred only nodded. "Well what was done can't be undone, you read it so now you know about the creatures I've found." Arthur said with a sigh as he sat down.

"I didn't read all of it." Alfred said as he sat down next to Arthur. "I actually came here to find out about something."

Arthur looked at the boy with confusion. What could he possibly want from him?

"You see, last time we met we've exchanged some.. words" Arthur rolled his eyes. "And things happened at home to where I've been feeling these new emotions. I've been thinking, is being like my dad a good thing? I want to know why. And I figured, since you got a lot to say about me and the other royals, I might ask you." Alfred said looking at Arthur with determination in his eyes.

"Do you really not know what the king has been doing?" Arthur asked astonished.

"No! All I've ever known was that my father is an excellent ruler, that he did certain things for the benefit of spades! The only thing he has ever taught me was that I'm a prince, and it is expected of me to treat everyone just like he would! Now tell me whether or not everything I've learned is a lie!" Alfred yelled. He didn't mean to but he was getting desperate about answers.

"...Fine, you want to know so badly then I'll tell you." Arthur's young face narrowed at the smaller boy. "Everyone has to work overtime just to feed themselves. On top of that, all the guards treat normal people like dirt under their shoes! No one can say anything or else they get punished. It gets even worse in the winter, the cold kills all the sick because most of us don't even have fire to keep us warm! On top of that taxes have increased, so literally every cent the poor make goes to rich, privileged people like you! Do you know what it feels like to live everyday wondering what your next meal will be? Whether or not your neighbor will live another day?!" Arthur asked coldly.

Alfred stared back blankly.

All this time, he never knew. He was raised to believe this kingdom was perfect. He was stuck inside the walls of the castle so long that he didn't bother to wonder about the condition of his people. So much was happening, meeting this boy in front of him and learning of an upcoming war that Alfred was finally questioning the one person he never thought he would.

His father. The king himself, was he wrong about him this entire time?

It started with a few drops, but soon Alfred broke down crying. Be began shaking as emotions he never felt before flew through him.

"I'm so sorry!" Alfred sobbed. "I didn't know, its all my fault."

Arthur was shocked to see the younger boy break down in front of him. This was the last thing he expected, and he didn't know what to do about the crying.

Awkwardly, he placed a hesitant hand on the boys shoulder.

"Why are you pitying me?" Alfred cried out. "Don't you hate me? What my family has done? I'm like my dad aren't I?"

"Shush, your just a kid. How could you have known? Trust me lad, you are not like your dad. You have done something no other noble in this kingdom has." Arthur said as he continued patting the prince.

"What did I do?" Alfred asked.

"You cried for your people. You my young prince, have love for others in your heart."

And as Arthur consoled the crying prince, he didn't know if his words were true or not. He was young, maybe he could change him? But what could he do to influence a soon-to-be King?

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