Chapter 2: You're my everything.

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The door bell rings and I jump from my bed to open the door. When I do, I am very surprised. Elliott is standing outside our front door, looking straight at me. Usually, that isn't a big deal, it's normal. But I know that today he is supposed to be going on a date with a girl he likes.

''Hey, you're not with Jenn?'' I ask, and he gives me a little smirk.

''Well as you can see, nope. I'm here, with you.''

''But ... why? What happened?''

''Nothing happened. I just decided that I wanted to spend my evening with my best friend, rather than someone who's slept with half of the school.''

He smiles, and I am honoured that he chose me over her. Elliott dates a lot, with a lot of girls. I'm not saying he's a player, but he is. In a way at least. But I know I mean a lot more to him, than all those girls together. After all, I'm his best friend.

He leans towards me and says:''So, what are we gonna do? Movie, popcorn and deep conversations?''

That is something he likes a lot and when he comes to my place, we always do it.

I smile back at him, nod and say:''Ooh, thank you, Elli. Yep, let's go.''

I'm the only one allowed to call him that. It sounds kinda girly, but he lets me do it, cause he loves me. And it's not like anyone can hear us.

We head upstairs and when we walk past our dad, Elliott says:''Hi, Mr. Thompson.''

''Oh, hi, Elliott.'' My dad says back and we keep walking. My dad and Elliott get along really well. I think dad is grateful to him, because he helped me when I was down and he cared about me and protected me. He still does. And I think that in a way, Elliott took a part of dad's burden away, after mum died.

We decide to watch Jurassic park, as we both like it a lot. During the movie, my phone beeps. I look at the screen and see the name Evie1234. I know it's not exactly an original name, but hey, don't judge.

I smile, because she is someone very important to me. I met her online, a couple weeks ago and we've been talking ever since. Her real name is Eveline Anders and she is gorgeous. I like her so much, I think I'm falling for her. I know it sounds strange and silly as I've never meet her, but I feel like I have. It's weird, I don't know how to explain it, but it's real. I am falling in love with a girl I've never met.

I pick up the phone and when I see she's sent me a little bear and a heart, I smile even more.

Elli looks at me sideways and narrows his eyes, then says:''Who's that? That you're talking to?''

I look at him and say:''That girl I met online.''

''You mean that Evie?''

''Hmh. She's so nice and kind. Oh, Elli, I think I'm in love with her.''

He looks surprised and then says:''Oh come on K, you've been talking to her for what, two weeks...''

''Three, actually.''

''Three weeks, and you've never even met her. It's ridiculous.''

Now I narrow my eyes in disbelief. ''What's ridiculous?''

''That you say you're in love with her. It's impossible.''

''Ah, what do you know? You don't understand. You play with girls like they are toys, so you know nothing about love.''

He widens his eyes, and I walk out of the room, into the bathroom. I'm mad. How can he say that, how can he say it's ridiculous? He is.

Someone knocks on the door, and when I hear a voice I know who it is. Elliott asks:''Are you OK?''

''Go away.'' I say, still angry.

But he doesn't. ''K, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I just ... You have all the right to be in love with whoever you want OK? I'll always be here for you, even when you're pushing me away like right now.''

I look at myself and I see a little smirk on my face. I didn't even realise it was there. I guess I'm kinda glad that he's doing what he is. I'm glad he always runs after me and helps me. I'm glad he's always there. I wouldn't have made it without him. 

And maybe I am a bit of a drama queen and a bit stubborn. Okay, a lot. But, hey, a girl's gotta find a way to get what she wants.

I am very grateful to Elliott, and of course I open the bathroom door, because I forgive him. Because there really is nothing to forgive.

I look at him from under my eyebrows and say:''I'm sorry too. I didn't mean what I said.''

He sighs and says:''It's OK, it's true. If you only knew why...''

I look up and my eyes light up. ''Why? Tell me.''

''What? No, no, don't worry, there's no special reason, you know.'' He says awkwardly and I shrug it off.

He wraps me in a hug with his big arms and says:''You're my everything. Those girls mean nothing to me, compared to you.''

''I know.'' I say as we untangle from our hug. He laughs and I ask:''What?''

''You know, this Evie and all, you should seriously consider meeting her in person if you're really in love with her.'' He says, but I see a pinch of uncertainty on his face.

I shrug and say:''But how?''

Elliott smirks and says:''I've got a friend who can help us with that.''

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