Chapter 15: The plan

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Dad explains to me about Jessica Bentley and who she is. Turns out everything Evie told me about herself and her family, even the address is true. Everything matches.

I think Jessica Bentley is Eveline Anders. But there are so many questions to be answered. Why hasn't she told me the truth about who she is? Where is she? And after all, is it really her? Who have I been talking to?

I show dad her photos and he confirms they're all of Jessica Bentley.

I call Elliott to tell him everything. When he finds out, he is just as shocked as I was.

On Monday 

On Monday we (dad, me and Elli) go to the police station for me to give a statement. One of dad's colleagues has an idea on how to get to Jessica/Evie. At first dad isn't very excited about this plan as it involves my cooperation and exposure. But I want to do it, so he finally indulges me. 

I am to talk to Evie like any other day, but pressure her into meeting me or to tell me why she can't meet me.

Some feds are there too, to oversee the investigation and our plan. They say that Jessica's case is connected to some other cases and we might be dealing with a serial abductor or killer. They say she's not the first girl to have disappeared in our area in the last few months. They even speculate, that if this is the work of a serial abductor, I might be his next victim. You see, they've seen this before. According to them, there have been leads that every girl who just disappeared like that, had been talking to someone online. That's how they connected the crimes. It might be a coincidence, but they say they can't risk it. They need to investigate every lead they have. And right now, I'm that lead.

I sit behind the computer, with its screen being broadcast on the big screen behind me. Me, Elli, dad and some cops and feds are all sitting around a round table. I'm looking at the computer screen and they at the big screen.

Elliott shouldn't really be in here, since the investigation can't be disclosed to public. But I refused to do anything without him, because I knew I would need him. That proves right when he grabs hold of my hands, when he sees they're shaking a bit. I'm scared, but his touch gives me new strength and courage.

He gives me a reassuring smile and says:''You can do this.''

I nod and look over at dad, who smiles and nods at me. He mouths:''You got this.''

I nod and look at the screen. Evie is active, so I write:''Heey, how are you?''

She immediately responds with:''Hey, how are you beautiful?''

''You know, the usual. I'm fine. You?'' 

I don't want to talk about personal stuff while a whole room of people is watching, but it seems I have no choice when she asks:''I'm OK. But are you sure you're fine? After everything that's happened, I don't know if you can just be fine. Are you sure you're not just fooling yourself?''

I respond:''No, I'm really OK. Me and Elliot are friends again so I'm actually more than fine.''

''What??? Really??''

''Yep, really. I forgave him.''

''Oh, OK. But are you sure he's worth it? Are you sure he's worth you?''

Elliott looks at me funny and I am surprised myself. She's always told me that maybe me and Elliott can be together, that maybe we have a chance. But now, all of a sudden she doesn't think he's worth it or worth me? I'm not saying I'm mad or not happy. I mean, I want her to know I'm into her and not Elliott, and I kinda like the fact that she's a bit jealous, but it's just so strange.

So I tell that to everyone in the room. I don't know why, even less how, but she's different. It's like... it's not her.

''What do you mean? Of course he is, he's my best friend. But that's all he is and ever will be. I love YOU and you know that.''

I glance at Elliott and I catch a sign of disappointment in his eyes. I understand him, but he's just gonna have to accept it.

Evie writes back:''I know, I just ... I guess I'm a bit jealous. But can you really blame me?''

''No, I can't. I understand you. But I love you, not him.''

I can feel Elliott's pain, without looking at him. He is my best friend for sure. Alas love is just something I can't give him. Not the way I feel it towards Evie. And I can't do anything to change it. I feel what I feel.

''Good.'' She writes back.

The chief of the investigation tells me to ask her a personal question only Jessica Bentley would know. He tells me that her parents said she's got a scar on her hand, from when she was little. She fell from a tree house and had a concussion. When she fell, she scratched her hand against a nail, while trying to hold on.

She's told me about it before, just not the whole story.

''Hey I just remembered, do you remember when you told me about a scar on your hand? From when you were little?''

''Yeah, what about it?''

''Well I just thought you could tell me the story again, because I forgot.''

''Um, sure. Yeah, when I was little, the scar on my hand, I remember. I think I fell.''

Then she doesn't respond for some time and when she finally does, she writes:'' Oh, that scar. I fell from the tree house. I scratched my hand against a nail. I remember it hurt a lot. I don't like to talk about it. Why are you asking me?''

The chief of investigation says:''It's her. Nobody else knows about how she got that scar. Plus her parents said that's because she never liked to talk about it. She was a kid and it got her to the hospital, so she never told anyone the truth. Her parents said it was a traumatic event for her. So she made up stories, but she never told the truth about it. To you she did.''

''This is definitely Jessica Bentley. Now we just have to figure out where she is.'' Says someone.

But then my dad says:''But it doesn't make any sense. If it's her and she's not doing it willingly, if she's forced into it, why use her own pictures? And why is she so relaxed and not scream for help?''

''She's probably afraid of the kidnapper. Scared he'll hurt her.'' Says someone else.

The chief of the investigation says:''Yes, very likely. Alright, well we need to try to get to her or at least arrange a meeting. We can't risk the abductor knowing we're onto him. Which is why you, Kacey, are going to tell her that you need to meet her. She needs to agree under any circumstances, so that we can save this girls and catch the man who kidnapped her. Now write to her that you want to meet her. Soon.''

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