Chapter 7: JUST best friends, right?

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When Elli comes over, he just shows me a few things I already know. Her Facebook page, where she lives, a few things about her.

''That's all?'' I ask him and he looks at me funny.

''That's all? That's a lot.'' He says almost annoyed. I don't really understand him at this moment.

''Yeah, but I already knew all that stuff.''

''I see. All that stuff. So you're not grateful that I found out so much about her, that I did so much for you, asked a friend, did some digging myself. It's nothing to you, right?''

He is acting ridiculously, and I smile and say:''Jeez, chill. Yes I am grateful and thankful. Thank you, I really appreciate it.''

''You're telling me to chill? What about every little outburst that you have, that you just got the other day? You just start crying and you're mad for no reason. And now I say a few stuff and you're telling me to chill?''

I'm shocked. I know I can be a drama queen, but I didn't know it bothered him so much. I am quiet and look to the ground. All I can say is:''Wow.''

He sights and says:''Sorry. I'm just ... stressed. I say things I don't mean. I'm sorry.''

''Yeah, clearly. Or not? Maybe you meant all of it.''

He sights again, this time quietly. ''No, I didn't. It's just... I help you, don't I? I'm there for you all the time. Maybe you should be there for me sometimes too and maybe go out to a party. That's all.''

I can't deny he's right.

''I know. I'm sorry too. I know I can be a handful sometimes. And I would go to a party, I just ...'' I say

He looks at me and gives me a small smile. He knows what I'm about to say, but I say it anyway.

''I'm scared.'' I whisper. I feel fear all the time.

He holds my hand and says:''I know. But you don't have to be. You have to overcome fear. It's the only way. I mean you can't live all your life in fear.''

I nod and he gives me a big smile. He pulls me in a tight hug and I hear him laugh.

A big smile makes its way onto my face too, I can't help it. I feel something weird in my stomach and in my heart. I feel safe and calm, but also something else that I can't quite wrap my head around.

His mouth is beside my ear and he says:''We're gonna be together forever.''

I respond with our moto, even though it wasn't a question, but rather a statement. ''Anywhere, any time, at any cost.''

His face is very close to mine as he is starring into my eyes. For the first time I see their depth and true colour. Even though they're brown, they look like the universe. Big, endless and breathtaking.

We stand like that for a moment and than we break apart. In a weird way he turns away and opens my computer so we can watch a movie.

I realise what just happened. We were so close to each other, I almost couldn't breathe. I don't know how I feel about that, beside from awkward, but that feeling from before is still present. Now, even more than before. And I like it. A lot.

But what can it really mean? We're just best friends, right?

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