Chapter 22: Attempting to escape

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I try reaching the door,but it's too far away and the rope I'm tied to won't let me.

Then I look at the lock on my waist ans see that it needs a key. A key I can maybe get. But how?

How am I going to escape?

Attacking the guy probably isn't the best idea,because he's stronger than me.

Maybe if I steel one of his syringes, which he uses to sedate us, and try to pick the lock with it. Only I don't know how to pick a lock.

There are no windows in this room, only one steel door,which has three locks. Meaningless.

Bet then I see something sparkly in Jessica's hair.she has a little pin in her hair. I pick it up and try to unlock the shackles around my waist,but I can't. It doesn't work because I don't really know how to turn the pin and what to do. But I practice. I try and try,but it still doesn't work.

Then Jessica says something:"I'm hungry."

And to be honest, I am too. So the next time he comes to us,I run back to my side of the room and tell him that we need to eat and drink. He simly says:"Why do you think I'm here?"

Then he puts down a trey with two cups of water and two plates of what looks like pasta.

He waits until we finish eating and he even helps Jessica eat a little, because she very weak. I use the opportunity to hide the fork that I ate with and prey he doesn't notice.

When he takes our plates,he doesn't see something is missing and just leaves.

I try again to unlock the lock and I finally do it. I'm free and jump to the door to se the lock. They are way too complicated for me to pick. So my plan is to wait until he gets back,hurt him with the fork,then run through the open door like crazy.

A lot of time passes before he comes in again, but when he finally does I'm ready. I hold the lock on my waist so it looks like it's intact. He comes in to do one thing-rape Jessica again.

When he's turned away from me,towards her,I jump onto him and stab him with the fork into his eyes. I don't just wanna escape,I also wanna punish him for all that he's done to Jessica and male him unable to do it again for at least some time. At least until I come back with help.

He screames and stumbles away. I want to run, but he grabs my ankle and I fall smashing my face into the floor. I feel a trrible pain, burning pain, but can't afford to think about it. He's still holding my ankle, so I smash my other leg into his face,which causes him to let go of my ankle and grab his face.

I get up and run through a dark hallway. But then I reach another door,locked only once. I pull out the Jessica's pin and try to unlock it. It's not working and I can see the man getting up.

My hands are shaking,my head hurts and I feel like I'm about to cry. But instead I clench my teeth and try to unlock the door faster. I see him getting closer and I hear him laughing like he's already won. But he hasn't. I still have a chance.

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