Chapter 20: I'll never get out of here

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When I wake up again, I'm still tied to the bed, only I'm half dressed now. I'm in my underwear and I immediately think the worse. What if he's already raped me? While I was out? The thought of that causes me to burst into tears.

''He didn't hurt you yet.'' I hear Jessica's voice across the room. The only word I hear is YET.

I look at her and say:''I'm sorry. For what he's done to you. I'm sorry.''

''It's not your fault. You're a victim, just like me. I thought I was making a new friend online, you know. So did you probably. You thought you were talking to me, I thought I was talking to Miranda. The truth is we were both talking to him. We were all talking to him.''


Jessica nods with sadness in her eyes and says:''The girl before me. I thought I was talking to her online, you know making a new friend. I wasn't exactly the best in school and I didn't have a lot of friends. I was basically an outcast. Making a friend online was amazing for me. And then when we were about to meet, he grabbed me and brought me here. I never knew, or realised it could be a scam or a trap. I mean I know how much people warn you about being online and stuff like that,but I honestly never thought it would be like this. I never thought I was walking into such a terrible trap. Into a nightmare."

I nod and feel desperation. I was so stupid. How could I not know it was gonna be a trap?

I tell Jessica about the FBI investigation and how we meant to catch him, but he lured me out sooner. I was foolish and reckless.

''I'm sorry. It's all my fault.'' I say and she responds:''No, it's not. Don't blame yourself.''

I look at her sad and tired face. She knows what her ending will be and even though she's not or ever will be prepared for it, she's accepting her fate. I can see in her eyes, she's lost hope.

''My name is Kacey by the way.'' I tell her.

''I know.'' She says. ''He told me all about you, like it was a fairy tale. Miranda says he did the same with her. He told her all about me. Like we're a game to him.''

''That's because we are. He's sick and twisted. And I don't know how we're gonna get out of here.'' I say sadly.

''We can't. Miranda said that the girl before her tried to get out, but he caught her and killed her.'' Jessica says quietly.

''And where is Miranda now?'' I ask, but I already know the answer.

''Dead.'' Jessica says so plainly I'm shocked. I guess living like this eventually gets to you.

I look to the ceiling and say:''I'll never get out of here.''

"I'm sure they'll look for you. They must be looking for both of us.''

I look at her and see a small sparkle in her eyes. A sparkle of hope.

''They probably are. But what if they don't find us? We'll be here forever.'' I realise I'm already losing hope and I haven't been here for more than a couple of hours.

Jessica sees that and says:''Kacey, you can't give up yet. Don't lose hope yet, you'll just make yourself suffer more. It'll be living hell in here if you already break now. Trust me.''

I laugh hysterically and say:''Well there's something I'm good at. Living hell.''

''Kacey, it'll be OK. They'll find us.'' She says with a sad voice, yet still... more hopeful than mine.

Suddenly I realise I know this girl even though I've been talking to him and not her. I realise now she's my confidant and I'm hers. She's my rock and I'm hers.It has to go both ways now. I have to give her back what she gives me. I have to comfort her just as she comforts me. We have to help each other.

''Yeah, it's gonna be OK. They're gonna find us. They're gonna come for us.'' I say and she smiles vaguely.

I look at her and say:''We've gotta be there for each other. We've gotta help each other. They'll find us. I know it.''

I feel my strength and courage again and I'm ready to find a way to escape or at least fight that man until I can.

In that moment he walks into the room. His steps echo through the room and then he sits down next to my bed.

I tell him again, the things that I said earlier, but he just stares at me and smiles. It's very creepy.

After I calm down, he says:''You're special Kacey, just like me.''

''I'm nothing like you. You're a sick pervert. You need help. And I don't think jail offers that kind of help. After this is over and they catch you, you will go to jail.'' I almost yell at him.

''They won't catch me. But they are following my trail, which is why we have lo leave soon. In the new place you'll be more free than here. You won't be tied to beds like now.''

Jessica finally says something:''Why are you taking me with you? Why don't you just kill me now? I mean you don't need me anymore, right?''

He looks at her and steps over to her:''Of course I need you. Kacey isn't ready yet. But when she will be, that's when I'll get rid of you.''

Jessica looks into the ceiling and starts crying. He stokes her hair and says:''Oh, don't cry baby girl, you'll go quickly, I promise. It won't hurt.''

She starts crying even more, but he leaves her and comes to me. He leans in closer to me and says:''Kacey, Kacey. You were such an easy catch. So hart broken, so lost. Suffering, in pain. You didn't even think twice before doing what I told you to do. And to find out you were gay and you fell in love with Evie... that was something else. My god, Kacey. You are extraordinary. You'll be the right match for me.''

I feel sick when he says those things and I feel like I'm about to cry. But I force myself not to cry and stay strong. I can't show him any weakness, just like I couldn't show it to Ashley. It's the same, I say to myself.

He says:''And that little game in the end. I suspected you told everything to that cop-dad of yours. But I didn't think you would actually make a plan to catch me. You were smart, but not enough. When I wrote you that only you can save me, Evie, I knew you would break right away and tell me everything. And, voila, my theory was confirmed about you cooperating with the police. You were cunning, but in the end I still won. Because I always win. Oh, and that little friend of yours Elliott... I figured it out even before you did. I knew, before you did. The way you talked about him, it was clear he was in love with you. And you are in love with him. But it's to late for that now anyway. I've gotta get you two girls somewhere else.''

I can't believe what he just said. He thinks I'm in love with Elliott. Elliott. I wish he was here right now. I wish he saved me. But I have to stop thinking about the things that will never happen, about Elliott and get my head out of the clouds, back into reality. But soon, that isn't necessary, because I feel another sting and faint away.

The last thing I think about ... is Elliott.

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