Chapter 19: Kidnapped

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When I wake up, I have a terrible headache. I slowly open my eyes, only to wake up to a nightmare.

I'm in a basement, with no furniture, except the one bed that I'm on. I'm tied to this bed, and I immediately try to escape. I start panicking and try to untie the knots on my arms and legs. Strings of rope go across my body tying me to the bed even harder and I realise it's no use trying to escape. I couldn't do it even if I had a knife. The rope is to thick, not to mention the steel lock that shackles me to the cold, steel bed with a dirty, undressed mattress.

I want to start crying, but I have to be strong, I remember. I look across the room again and only now realise I'm not alone.

I see her in the other side of the room, tied to a bed like me. Only she looks weak, tired and sick. But it's still my Evie.

I shout across the room:''Evie.''

She turns her head towards me. It's definitely her, but she looks exhausted and hurt. Her eyes look lifeless and her voice cracks when she says:''Jessica.''

I can't hear her, because she's so quiet, so I say:''What? What did you say?''

She opens her mouth and says slightly louder:''My ... name is ... Jessica.''

I was expecting that. ''I know. I know who you are Jessica. You've been talking to me for the last three weeks. Only you were Eveline or Evie. Do you remember?''

She shakes her head and says:''Not me, him.''

I hear her perfectly, but I don't understand. ''What? What do you mean by that?''

''You've been talking to ... him, not me.''

My jaw drops in disbelief. None of it was real. It was him all along. I never talked to Jessica or Evie, I talked to HIM. The guy who kidnapped and tortured this poor girl and who now has me. God knows what he'll do to me? Oh my God, what have I gotten myself into?

''So... it was never you? It was always him?''

She nods and I say:''But why?''

''Because he's sick.'' She says and she's right.

The door suddenly opens and he walks in. He has a mask over his face, so I can't see him. He walks over to me, kneels and laughs. He strokes my hair and I spit at him in sign of disgust.

''You sick son of a bitch, you won't get away with this. They'll find us.'' I threaten him, but my words come out weak, not strong like in my head.

He laughs again and says:''Oh, a feisty one. I'll like it.''

''Why are you doing this? You pervert.'' I say, this time even angrier than before.

''Why? Because I enjoy it. And last time I checked having a good time is not a sin.'' He says in a low, dark voice.

''But holding girls hostage is.'' I oppose him. I do feel afraid, but it doesn't numb me. It makes me fight back.

''So what? If I enjoy it, I'm gonna do it.'' His evil laugh echoes through the room.

''What the hell is the matter with you? You're sick!'' I yell almost in tears, trying to break free from my shackles, even though I know it's useless.

''No, no, I'm simply... special. Different.'' He exclaims.

I fight him when he strokes my cheeks and hair. It's disgusting and it makes me sick.

''I like young girls like Jessica. But you're special Kacey, you're different. And I love girls like you.''

I'm disgusted by his words.

''So you've been watching me an talking to me all this time, you sick pervert? It was never Jessica or Evie, it was you.''

''Yes, it was. I thought you were smart enough to figure it out sooner, but you fell right into my trap. Even easier than the others I have to say.'' He says.

''The others?'' I ask, scared of the answer. I know what the FBI told us, but they weren't sure the kidnappings were connected.

''Oh, you don't think you and Jessica are the first do you? No, no, you're actually probably the last one. Which is why you get the courtesy of staying alive forever, unlike the others.''

I look into the ceiling, more scared than ever. I'm thinking it's actually better to die than to be with him for the rest of your life. So I get the most terrible fate of all.

A tear rolls down my cheek, but he wipes it away and says:''Oh, don't be sad. It's gonna be fun you'll see. You'll get used to it. Plus in some time I'll let you out of the shackles and you'll be free.''

I mumble:''I'll never be free.'' As opposed to my tears, which break free from my eyes and fall down my face.

He smiles and says:''Well if you see it that way...''

He gets up and I start to fight again:''You'll pay for this, you son of a bitch. They'll catch you and you'll never see daylight again.''

He looks at me and says:''Well let them try.'' And than laughs so cruelly and wickedly it causes me to fight even more. I start rolling and bending to try to escape, even though I know it's hopeless. But I need to show him I won't go down without a fight.

He grabs something from a stand next to the bed and I feel a sting into my neck. I feel myself losing consciousness and the last thing I see is horrifying.

He walks over to Jessica and gets on top of her. She starts screaming and fighting with the last bits of strength she's got. But she soon gives up and lets him do it. As he moves up and down over her body, I'm on the verge of fainting. Just before I do, I realise what he's doing to her and that's when it hits me.

That's what he's gonna do to me. He's gonna rape me. And not just once. He's gonna make me his slave.

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