Chapter 16: I'm not afraid anymore

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I write her that I want to meet her, but she's reluctant as always. I beg her, and when I threaten to cancel all contacts with her, she finally agrees to meet me. Like the chief said, I need her to agree to meet me no matter what.

We agree to meet one week from now, in a big park near the city. I know she is from the city, but it's way too big to know everyone.

The confrontation is supposed to go down with FBI and cops having my back. I'm supposed to wait on a bench and they will be all around me, in the cars, behind the trees, close to me, so I'm safe. And when Jessica/Evie or the abductor come, they'll seize him.

I'm not excited about the whole plan, because I don't really like dangerous things, and I already have enough drama in my life. But I'm willing to help if it means saving the girl I've been talking to. No matter what's happened I still love her and the fact that she might be a hostage makes me hurt and scared.

My dad, however, is a bigger problem. He opposes this plan completely, saying he won't let me do it, as it is too dangerous. After a few hours of convincing him I will be safe and won't get hurt, he finally, but with a heavy heart, says I can do it.

At school, Elliott keeps his promise and is mostly with me, sometimes with his friends. But he's never with Ashley anymore and I can see it's really starting to get on her nerves.

On Tuesday, she's finally had enough and she steps to me and says:''You think that now he's yours ha? You think that you can have him now? Well, you're wrong. He's still mine.''

Only this time I'm not afraid of her like before. She doesn't scare me anymore, because now I'm braver and determined not to be that little, poor, naive girl that Ashley sees me as. Now I am confident, brave and strong.

I turn to look her in the eyes and say:''No, I don't think he's mine or that I can have him. I think it's up to him to decide.''

I look back to my locker and suddenly realise that my fear was what gave her strength. She fed on it like a parasite. Now, that I'm not scared anymore and I almost ignore her, she looks like a lost puppy.

She looks shocked, grabs my arm and says:''You little bitch. You think you've got the power now, don't you?''

She laughs hysterically and says:''I swear to God I will...''

''You'll what? Kill me and go to jail? Turn me into a frog? You're just a pathetic, scared and lost little girl. In the end, you'll be the one who'll suffer. Oh and one more thing... don't swear to God... I don't think he can hear you.''

She lets go of my arm and stares at me. She want to throw another insult at me, but at that moment Elliott comes up to us and says:''What are you doing? Leave her alone.''

Ashley steps away, fixes her hair, looks at Elliott and says:''Finally, someone reasonable. Tell this bitch to get lost, baby.''

Elliott smiles and says:''Listen to me carefully, because I'll only say it once. First of all, don't ever call her a bitch. That's you, not her. Secondly, I was talking to you, not her, when I said leave her alone. Thirdly, don't ever call me baby, I'm far from being your baby and I'll never be that, got it? Don't you ever dare to even speak with Kacey again and don't you even attempt to talk to either of us. It's over Ashley. You're cruel and pathetic and a complete opposite of Kacey. Leave us alone from now on, do you understand? Or are you death too? Oh, and one more thing, you actually did us a favour when you told her the truth. You spared me that decision and now we're even closer than we were before. I just thought you should know.''

I'm surprised and impressed, but in a good way. He finally plucked up the courage to do the right thing.

Elli puts his arm around my waist and after I close my locker he gently pulls me away from it, down the hall. He whispers in my ear:''I should've done this a long time ago.''

Ashley stares after us and I turn around and say:''I feel sorry for you Ashley. But I guess he who laughs last laughs longest.''

Her face is pale and I feel amazing. I don't think I'm gonna have problems with her anymore and even if I will, I'm stronger and braver now and it won't hurt me the way it used to.

Elliott looks at me, a smile on his face, a light in his eyes. I see love and I feel it too. I get that strange feeling again, like I'm the safest I've ever been and like I won't be able to live without him. Thank god I won't have to, because he's right here, beside me.

I look at him and say:''We'll be together forever, right?''

He laughs and says back:''Anywhere, any time, at any cost.''

But that is all about to change the next evening.

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