Chapter 17: I have to save her

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The next evening I get a message from Evie saying she needs to talk to me. 

''Yeah, sure, tell me what's up?'' I write her.

''Kacey, I need you to do something for me. I need you to save me.''

I am shocked. ''What do you mean?'' I write.

''I need you to come to the park tomorrow night, at 8 pm. Kacey, you need to do it, please, or he'll hurt me.''

''Who is he, Evie?''

''A man that has me. He's holding me hostage in a basement. Please, Kacey, you're my only chance of getting out of here.''

I don't know what to write, or what to think. Do I tell dad or not? Do I do it, do I go to the park tomorrow or not? I mean the girl that I love is in danger and I need to save her. 

''Evie, it's OK, it's gonna happen next week.''

''What will happen?''

''We're coming to save you. Cops and FBI. We've set a trap for you abductor. Remember we set a place and date for us to meet. Well, it's a trap for him.'' I know I shouldn't tell her, because he might be watching, but I can't help myself. I need her to know.

But she writes back:''Oh, I see. But next week is too late. He's going to kill me in a few days, I'm going to die.''

''No, you won't. I promise you.''

''Kacey, please save me. You're my only hope. You have to come tomorrow. Please, don't you love me?''

''Of course I love you...''

''Then please save me.''

''Look, I'll tell my dad, he'll know what to do.''

''No, no, Kacey, don't tell anyone, please. You can't say a word to anyone, you have to come alone.''

''Why? The police can help us, my dad can help us.''

''No, they can't. He's ruthless and he threatens me. If I tell anyone, he'll kill me. I barely got to you in the first place. If you tell anyone I'm dead. The police won't get to me in time. But you can. Please meet me tomorrow at 8 pm.''

I think about it. I could simply tell dad, but she said he's going to kill her. I need to do this on my own. I love this girl and I gotta save her.

I write back:''OK. I'll come alone. I'm gonna save you Evie. I promise.''

I don't care what her name is, so I still use Evie. I love her and that's all that matters. I'm going to save her alone, and I know how silly, reckless and unbelievable that sounds, but I have to do it.

I have to save her.

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