10~Party time?

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I was standing at the punch table by myself. Shawn left about 10 minutes ago with Mahogany. I stared to think what it would be like if he didn't run off with every girl. I know, this is for something important. But I'm the jealous type like when have I not been.

"Hello, beautiful" This guy said and I turned around to see this tall blonde smiling at me.

"Um hi" I said

"You must be Sam" He said as he bit his lip

"Sorry have I met you?" I asked

"Sorry where are my manners. My name is James" He said giving me a hand shake

"Um hi" I said laughing just then Grayson came over to me

"I got a problem, Sam?" Gray asked me

"What?" I asked him

"Ethan kinda might have" He was saying

"where is he?" I asked surprised that they weren't together.

"In the bathroom. I just have to ask-" he was saying

"Oh well I'll talk to you later. Nice to meet you" I said grabbing Grayson and leaving. James looked mad.

"What was that?" Gray asked me

"I think Shawn and Mahogany were talking about him. I honestly didn't want to end up naked in his bedroom" I said groaning

"Shawn would be mad about that" He said laughing leading me into the male's restroom. To see Aaron standing and Ethan's hand in the urinal.

"What is going on?" I asked

"This dumb shit dropped his stud in the urinal and stuck his hand and now his hand is stuck" Aaron said laughing

"I can't help you" I said laughing

"Yes, you can" Ethan said

"I really can't" I said

"Fuck you, Sam" He said

"I would probably go for Gray if it was with one of the twins" I said and Ethan rolled his eyes at me

"Re-" Gray said but I cut him off

"Don't get ideas, Dolan" I said to him. I went over to Ethan and grabbed his arm and yanked it away from the toilet and it instantly came out. I rolled my eyes at them.

"I tried for 20 minutes" Aaron said sadly

"You are weak" Gray said

"Like you did any better?" Aaron said to Gray

"I'm going" I said leaving the bathroom running right into James.

"Sorry" I said trying to walk away from him and he grabbed my arm back.

"What's wrong, princess?" he asked me

"I don't feel comfortable around you" I said

"Why?" He said offended

"Oh Shawn let you girls think all bad about me and my brother" he said laughing. I just walked away from him and saw Shawn standing at the food table talking to these girls. I walked up to him and he looked at me.

"What's up?" He said to me like I was a bro.

"I'm going home" I said

"You can't, Sam" Shawn said laughing

"I meant the place where I stay now." I said looking at the floor

"I know and I said not till we all go." he said. I walked away from him to her giggling from the girls. I went over to Kian and Lexi to see him kiss her. I smiled and walked towards the door.

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