"You have one month to do all this, beginning now."
With Ethan Dolan, Shawn Mendes, Grayson Dolan, Jack Dail, Nash Grier, Kian Lawley, Taylor Caniff, and a lot more of your favorite guys...
I was talking to Carter just now, and he told me that Sam disappeared sometime last night. I didn't want Lexi to find out herself, so I went up to Kian's room, sadly knowing she would be in there. I lightly knocked on the door. A few seconds later, Kian opened the door. I saw Lexi asleep in his bed. A spark of jealousy went through me.
"What's up?" Kian whispered, stepping out of the room and soundlessly closing the door.
"I didn't want Lex to find out herself, but Sam is gone." I whispered.
"When did she disappear?" He asked, confusion clear on his face.
"Sometime late last night. She might've left, or she might've been taken back by James or Tom." I sighed, shaking my head.
"Does Mahogany know?" He asked yet another question.
"Yeah. She's gonna go over to their place today and see if she's there." I explained what I was told earlier this morning.
"Alright." He nodded. I was about to walk away, but hesitated, saying what was on my mind.
"Kian, just be there for her ok? Like whatever happens." I said.
"I will." He winked, before going back into his room.
Kian's POV
I walked past Lexi, who thankfully was still asleep, and went into the bathroom to get ready.
I was just trying to fix my messy hair when I heard footsteps come towards me. I took my attention off the mirror to see Lexi standing in the doorway, leaning against it.
"Morning." I smiled, going back to attempting to make my hair look decent.
"Morning." She said. She was intently watching me, and then walked up to me and put her hand on my cheek, turning my face to her. She put her fingers through my hair, and a few minutes later, I looked at her final masterpiece in the mirror.
"Thanks." I said, kissing her forehead. A small smile formed along her lips. She sat on the bathroom counter as I finished getting ready. I had to distract her from the fact that her best friend was MIA, so I came up with the perfect solution.
"Go get dressed, and then come right back." I ordered.
"Yes sir." She laughed, getting off the counter and walking to her room, the place that Sam wasn't.
Lexi's POV
I went to my room, where I haven't been since last night. I expected Sammy to be there, but she wasn't. She was probably with one of the guys. I walked over to my bed and pulled out a pair of shorts and a top.
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I put my hair in a bun and slid on my sandals that I was wearing the day that we were taken. I put my phone in my back pocket and walked over to Kian's room.
"I'm ready." I said, walking inside. When he heard me, he looked over.
"You look cute." He noted.
"You can thank Dev for that." I smiled.
"Anyways, I'm taking you to town." He said.
"Town?? People will recognize me!" I said, looking at him like he was crazy. Maybe he is. Just a little.
"Not your town. A different town. My town." He explained slowly.
"Okay..." I trailed off.
"Let's go." He winked, extending his hand to me. I graciously took it, and we walked downstairs. Kian walked ahead of me, our fingers still intertwined, into the kitchen where some of the guys were eating breakfast.
"Hey Matt, we're gonna head out, and we'll back in a while." Kian said.
As him and Matt and Cameron were talking I couldn't help but notice Devin, who was completely avoiding eye contact with me. Which was weird because he was normally so nice to me.
"See ya guys." Kian said, pulling me out of the kitchen, breaking my watching of Devin. (A/N: that sounds really creepy. I meant like she was looking at Devin, because something was different with him and she was seeing how he acted when she was standing there with Kian. Hopefully that makes sense now)
We went out to Kian's car and it didn't take long to get into town. It was the next town north from mine, and yet I'd never been here. He parked the car in front of a little diner and we got out and went inside.
"Table for two please." Kian smiled to the waiter. We went to our table and were given menus.
"Kian why are you doing this?" I asked out of curiosity, as we flipped through the breakfast sections of the menu.
"What do you mean?" He asked, not looking up, although I knew he was aware of what I meant.
"Treating me like this, when none of the other guys would think about doing things like this." I elaborated.
"Why, do you not like it?" He asked, finally looking up.
"It's not about that, Kian. I'm supposed to kill you, I'm supposed to be your murderer, but you're making it really hard for me to even imagine doing something like that." I said quietly.
"We took you and it's not even 1/3 of the way into the month, you probably don't wanna be stuck in you and Sam's room all day... I want to make sure you aren't bored." He said, but I felt like he just made that up.
"Really? That's why?" I said, doubting his reason. He sighed, and leaned across the table close to me.
"If I tell you why, you'll hate me. Well actually there's two real reasons." He said.
"Kian... I- could never hate you." I hesitated.
"Do you really wanna know?" He whispered.
"Yes!" I laughed, for he was stalling.
"Okay. One, Sam disappeared last night. Two, I didn't want to take you in the first place. I don't think it's fair- the rules and everything, so if this is your last month to live I want you to remember it." He said, looking into my eyes, hiding the smile that wanted to appear on his face.
"Kian, I-" I was about to say but was cut off by Ethan and Cameron bursting into the diner, running to our table.
"We have to go." Ethan said sternly.
"What why?" Kian asked.
"Lexi has been seen." Cameron said.
I'm really proud of our book so far, we've worked so hard on it and it's been a lot of fun :))))