One - Hopefully

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~ Hermione Granger ~

Strolling past compartment after compartment I start to worry. I've walked up and down the Hogwarts Express twice now and I haven't seen Harry, Ron, or Ginny. And I've checked every bloody compartment that they would be in. I did find Neville and Luna in a compartment together. Neither of them have seen the raven haired boy or the redheads either.

They were all supposed to come back to Hogwarts this year with me. We all have to redo our Seventh Year because of the War and we were chasing Voldemort's horcruxes. Ginny has to come back and complete her actual Seventh Year so she should be on the bloody train!

What if they missed the train? No, Mrs. Weasley would have never allowed that to happen. If they didn't miss the train where in the world are they?

Groaning to myself I spin around. And, of course, I walk straight forwards into something solid. I should have fallen to the floor but a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me back up. And back against someone's muscular and solid torso.

I look up and mentally curse myself and my luck. Two stormy grey orbs are looking down at me. Of course I had to walk straight in to Draco Malfoy. Literately.

"You can let go of me now" I say flatly, frowning up at the pale boy.

Malfoy's eyes widen before quickly removing his arms from around my waist with a pained expression on his face. What's up with him? Is he alright?

"W-watch where you're going Granger" Malfoy stutters, a terribly fake angry expression taking hold of his face.

Why is he pretending to be angry with me? He was the one right behind me. Why was he behind me anyways?

"You were the one right behind me" I retort, arching a brow at him.

"Whatever Granger. Just watch where you're going next time" Malfoy replies.

He dusts off some imaginary dust off of his pitch black and perfectly tailored suit. He does look quite handsome but should add more color to his wardrobe.


Why did I just call Draco Malfoy handsome? I've never done that before in ny entire life and I'm not too keen on having that continue. But I have to admit that he's good looking but its not like I have to point it out. He probably has hundreds of women lined up to just be able to be in his bloody presence.

Malfoy's fake angry expression is replaced by one of genuine annoyance. But it's not directed at me, it's directed at someone or something behind me. I look behind me to see Harry, Ron, and Ginny walking up to us.

They all have identical angry but concerned looks on their faces. They probably think Malfoy is being an asshole to me. But for once he isn't.

Where were they the entire time I was looking for them? If I had found them I wouldn't have had to have literately walked in to Malfoy.

"Mione are you alright?" Harry asks once he reaches me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I look at him and nod but I hear someone take a sharp inhale. I turn my head again to see Malfoy glaring daggers at Harry. If looks could kill Harry would definitely be on the floor. Harry returns the glare but less heated. Ron and Ginny are looking between Harry, Malfoy, and I.

Can they please not fight in the middle of the Hogwarts Express? We should all be civil towards one and other, especially since this is our first time returning to Hogwarts ever since the Battle. We all are on the same side anyways.

"What are you glaring at me for Malfoy?" Harry asks the blonde boy, arching a brow.

Harry removes his hand from my shoulder and Malfoy lets out a breath he probably didn't know he was holding in. What the hell is up with him?

"No reason Potter" Malfoy snaps at Harry, slightly calming down his glare to a normal one.

Can people do normal glares? Or maybe Malfoy just glares a lot and has different types of glares?

He gives me one more look with an exression that I can't explain before spinning on his heel and walking away. What the hell was that about?

"Where have you guys been? I've been looking for you every where?" I ask, spinning to face all three of my friends.

"We've been in our compartment this whole time Mione. Are you sure you didn't see us?" Ginny asks.

"I'm sure. Lets just go" I snap at the younger witch.

Ginny, Harry, and Ron all share a weird look before they lead me back to their compartment.


"What happened back there? With Malfoy?" Ginny asks, sounding genuinely concerned.

Even though Ginny and I aren't as close as we once were, we're still best friends. She's practically my sister and we usually tell each other everything. Even if it's unimportant stuff like how Harry just so happens to open his mouth when he eats. Ginny told me that, not the other way around.

And she's perfectly fine with the fact that Ron and I aren't a couple. Our kiss in the Chamber of Secrets was a one time thing, in my mind anyways. Ron has told me that he would rather us be friends but he seemed to be pretty into that kiss so I don't know.

Both Harry and Ron stop their conversation about Quidditch. The three of them are now looking at me, curiosity and concern the only emotions present on their faces. They all probably think that Malfoy was being an asshole to me and called me a 'Mudblood' or insulted me in some other way.

"Nothing really happened Ginny. I accidentally bumped into him and he was nice about it" I reply completely honestly, looking at the three of them with slightly wide eyes.

Harry is the first one out of the three of them to start hysterically laughing. Ron and Ginny join in moments later. What the hell? Why are they laughing? I frown at the three of them and cross my arms in front of my chest.

Is it really that unbelievable that Malfoy was nice to me? It's not like he's incapable of being civil towards other people.

They all stop laughing when they see the growing frown on my face.

"Malfoy was....nice to you?" Ron asks skeptically.

"It's hard to believe, I know. But we had a small and civil conversation" I reply with a huff.

"Seriously?" Harry asks, still skeptical.

"I wouldn't lie about something like that Harry"I say, frowning at the raven haired boy.

"I know you wouldn't Mione. But it is Malfoy we're talking about here" Harry says with a sigh.

"I know that. But what if the war changed him for the better?" I ask no one in particular.

"Hopefully it did" Harry replies with a small smile.

Hopefully the war did change Malfoy for the better. We don't need to fight with each other so we shouldn't. Hopefully everyone else realizes that and that not only I see things that way.

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