Six - Weasel Strikes Again

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~ Draco Malfoy ~

"Draco wake up!"

I shoot up and out of bed, getting ready to grab my wand. It takes me a second to realize that the person on the other side of the door is Hermione. Simply thinking her name puts a grin on my face. God dammit, I have to tell her about the Veela stuff soon. I don't want to die and we have to be mated for that to not happen.

"I'm up!" I yell back at her.

"Well hurry up!" Hermione yells, sounding annoyed.

Not wanting to annoy her anymore, I quickly change into my robes. I grab my messenger back and put my wand in it's pocket in my robes. I enter the bathroom and quickly fix my hair before entering into the main area of the Heads Dormitory.

Hermione is standing near the door, looking absolutely perfect. She's wearing her robes and is reading a book. The cover of it says that the book is called The Great Gatsby. It's obviously a muggle book since I haven't heard of it before.

"Ready to go?" I ask.

Hermione visibly jumps and closes her book. She nod and she has a faint blush on her cheeks. Who knew she could get any cuter?

We silently leave the Heads dormitory, not feeling the need to fill the air with unimportant small talk. As soon as we leave the Third Floor some unknown and unneeded tension fills the air.

Voices drift down the hallway from the Great Hall. Having increased senses can suck because all of the voices hit my ears at once, almost instantly giving me a headache. The two of us arrive at the double doors of the Great Hall a minute later.

We silently part ways. I silently sit down at the Slytherin table across from Pansy and Blaise. Hermione sits down with Potter, Weasel, and Weaselette. A look of distress almost immediatly fills her features.

I tune everyone in the Great Hall out except for Hermione, Potter,Weasel, and Weaselette. What the hell did they say to make Hermione annoyed in less then a minute?

"Seriously Ronald? Why can't you be mature about this? Draco and I are allowed to be friends" Hermione says, sighing heavily.

"I'm not being mature about this? He bullied you for five fucking years Hermione!" Weasel exclaims.

The whole Great Hall heard what Weasel said so now everyone is paying attention to their conversation.

"He apologized for that and he's actually a good person!" Hermione yells back at him.

"Whatever just go be with the person who bullied you for all those years" Weasel says harshly.

"We aren't together Ron" Hermione says with a sigh.

I am hurt when she says this but it is the truth. For now anyways.

"I'm not surprised. Why would anyone want to date a Mudblood like you" Weasel says harshly and loudly.

Collective gasps could be heard throughout the Great Hall. How could he do that? Hermione is his best friend and he is treating her like that?

Tears well up in Hermione's eyes as she stands up and runs out of the Great Hall, no one from the Gryffindor table moving to follow her. Not even Potter.

Refraining myself from personally strangling Weasel, I follow Hermione out of the Great Hall. She is seeming to be making her way back to the Heads Dormitory.

"Hermione!" I call after her.

The brown haired witch turns around and tears are freely pouring down her face. Hermione has stopped walking so I can catch up to her. I close the distance between us and pull her into a hug.

She freely sobs into my chest. I slowly rub soothing circles on her back. In that moment I've never wanted to kill Ronald Weasley more in my life. How could he do this to Hermione? To my Hermione?

The bastard is lucky his head is still attached to his body.

After a minute Hermione pulls away from me. I frown but quickly set my mouth into a thin line, not wanting her to ask about it.

"Thanks" Hermione says gratefully, wiping any remaining tears off of her face.

"No problem Hermione" I reply with a smile.

She smiles back before looking down at my now soaked chest.

"Sorry" Hermione mumbles.

"It's fine" I reply.

I pull out my wand and mutter a spell under my breath. The tears evaporate, making my chest dry again.

"We should get to class" Hermione says.

I simply nod. Gryffindor's and Slytherin's have Defense Against The Dark Arts together for first period. Which means I can make sure that Weasel doesn't try to hurt Hermione's feelings for a second time today.

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