Two - Dread

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~ Draco Malfoy ~

When Mother told me it was hard to stay away from my mate after we had physicaly contact I thought that I would be able to handle it. But I can barely contain myself now. All I want to do right now is to run to her compartment and take her away from Potter, Weasel, and Weaselette. Merlin help them if they even lay a bloody finger on her. And it's her fault for bumping in to me in the bloody hallway.

Let me explain; I am a Veela and Hermione Granger is my mate. Crazy I know but it's the bloody truth. And if I can't get her to accept that I'm her mate in a year I will die of heartbreak. Sounds fun right?

I'm half-Veela because my mother was a full Veela while my father was just a normal wizard. The only people who know are my parents.

I have read mountains of books about Veela's and I barely know anything. All I know is that Granger and I have to have sex before my next birthday or I die, plain and simple right? Nope. And that I have increased senses, speed, and strength. Which will help while playing Quidditch this season. The Slytherin team will definitely win the season this year.

It's not cheating since I am using my natural born assets. And it's not like anyone has to know about it.

After we kiss, if I ever get that far, we feel each other's emotions and pain as if it was our own. Sounds like loads of fucking fun, sharing emotions with the Gryffindor Princess. I'll probably be annoyed all the time because of Potter, Weasel, and Weaselette.

"Draco, mate, are you okay?"
My head snaps up and my eyes land on my best mate; Blaise Zabini. Beside him sits Pansy Parkinson, my other best friend. We dated back in Fourth Year but we decided that it would be better to just be friends.

"I'm fine" I reply flatly.

"You sure?" Blaise asks, a skeptical look on his face.

I sigh and nod my head. I rake my hand through my hair, messing it up more then its already messed up. I need to see Hermione. Now. It's killing me and I probably look like utter shit.

As if the heavens heard my thoughts, there is a knock at the compartment door. And Hermione is standing there.

I stand up and quickly open the door, startling the girl on the other side. I immediatly want to comfort her but I restrain myself from doing so. What would Blaise and Pansy think if I started hugging Hermione Granger out of the blue.

"What can I do for you Granger?" I ask, a small smile appearing on my face.

Hermione simply sighs and a frown appears on her face. Why is she frowning? What did I do wrong?

"Professor McGonagall wants to speak with the two of us" She says flatly.

"Okay" I say with a small nod.

I walk out of the compartment without giving Blaise or Pansy a second glance. They probably think that I've gone completely bonkers.

The two of us walk down the corridor side by side but competely silent. I wish she would just say something. But what would she say? It's not like we're friends and I've been an extreme douchebag to her during our time at Hogwarts. I should probably apologize for that.

"Granger" I say out of the blue.

I look down at the girl and she looks back up at me. Hermione is actually very pretty. Her once wild hair is still wild but its better then what it was in First Year. Her skin is fair and perfect and her eyes are round brown orbs that I could get lost looking in.

"What Malfoy?" Hermione asks, arching a brow at me.

"I'm sorry" I say, not breaking eye contact.

She stops walking so I follow suit. Hermione turns her body so she's facing me so I do the same thing.

"You're what?" Hermione asks, a skeptical look on her face.

"I said I was sorry Granger"I say with a frown.

"Uh...okay. For what?" She responds.

"For being a complete and utter asshole to you during our time at Hogwarts. You didn't deserve that and I only did it because...because it was how I was raised. If you want, I would like a redo" I say, sticking my hand out for a handshake.

"A redo?" Hermione asks, arching her brow again.

"Yes, a redo at friendship" I say softly.

Hermione nods, a small smile appearing on her already beautiful face. She slips her hand in to mine and shakes it. A shot of electicity goes up my body and I instantly want more then a hand shake.

To stop myself from doing anything that I will regret, I quickly end the handshake. She has a confused look on her face but puts on a small smile in half a second.

"If we're friends now we should call each other by our first names" Hermione states, starting to walk again.

I follow suit and we continue down the corridor.

"I guess we should Hermione" I say.

I shudder as her name passes my lips. Who knew saying someone's name could feel so damn good?

"Alright Draco" Hermione says with a wide grin on her face.

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