Three - Badges

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~ Hermione Granger ~

Draco and I, yes we are officially on first name basis now, walk down the corridor and arrive at the Heads Compartment. I slide open the door and the two of us walk inside.

The inside looks like a typical living room with a few couches and chairs surrounding a coffee table. Professor McGonagall is standing in front of one of the windows on the far side of the compartment. She turns around and greets Draco and I with a wide smile.

"Miss Granger, Mister Malfoy. I bet you both must be confused as to why I've summoned the two of you here" McGonagall begins.

Both Draco and I nod.

"It is because you are Head Boy and Head Girl. Congratulations, Miss Granger I know this has been a goal of your for quite some time" McGonagall finishes, smiling at me with a fond look in her eyes.

She crosses the room to us and hands us our Head Boy and Head Girl badges. I put mine on my robes and Draco follows suit. I'm genuinely suprised that Draco is Head Boy, not Harry. Well everyone deserves second chances, right?

"Thank you Professor" I say, returning McGonagall's smile with one of my own.

"Thank you" Draco says softly.

"We can talk about your duties after the feast tonight. You have to escort the First Years to the lake and help them board the boats with Hagrid" McGonagall says.

I nod. Draco and I leave the Heads Dormitory. I have a wide smile on my face, which makes Draco confused.

"Has becoming Head Girl always been a goal of yours?" He asks curiously.

As we walk down the corridor, the back of our hands brush against each other. I decide it would be best to ignore the shot of electicity the touch gave me and I shove my hand into the pocket of my robes.

"Yes it has, ever since First Year" I reply honestly.

I know he's looking at me but I don't return his gaze. I don't need him seeing the obvious blush on my cheeks. Why am I blushing? There is no way in hell that I have a bloody crush on Draco Malfoy. That isn't possible.

"It's good that you've met your goal then" Draco says, sounding...happy?

"I suppose it is" I reply.

The both of us fall silent, not wanting to continue an already awkward conversation.

Not before too long we reach Draco's compartment. Draco slides open the compartment door but doesn't walk inside. Instead he turns to face me and seems like he has something to say.

"See you at the station" Draco says with a smile.

"See you" I say, returning his smile.

He walks into his compartment and slides the door closed. I sigh and keep walking. Two minutes later I arrive at the compartment I am sharing with Ginny, Harry, and Ron. I slide open the door and sit down. Ginny closes the door behind me.

"How'd it go?" Harry asks, seeming to actually want to know.

"It went fine. Draco and I are Head Boy and Head Girl" I say, a small smile appearing on my face.

"Draco? Since when have you been on first name basis with him?" Harry asks, arching a brow at me.

"Since today. He apologized for everything he's done so we're giving friendship a try" I explain.

"That's.....good. I guess" Harry replies with a small shrug.

"Yeah, it is good" I reply.


By the time Draco and I are done escorting the First Years down to the Black Lake all of the carriages are gone. Half an hour walk up to the castle it is then.

I shiver, the August air colder then it should be. I am wearing my robes so I don't get why I am cold.

"Are you cold?" Draco asks, seeming to be actually concerned.

I look up at him and am shocked to see the genuine concern on his face.

"Uh..I'm fine" I reply.

Draco simply nods even though he looks like he wants to say something. I sigh and look away from the tall boy.

"Do you think that we'll be late?" I ask him.

I don't want to be late for the first feast of my last year. And McGonagall will probably be announcing that Draco and I are Head Boy and Head Girl at the feast.

"Probably not. It takes awhile for the First Years to cross the lake" Draco replies with a shrug.

I slowly nod my head. The two of us fall silent, not feeling the need to continue a conversation. We walk up to the castle in silence. The lights in the castle are twinkling and the whole place looks as if it just came out of a muggle storybook.

I wish this year wasn't my last year here but it is what it is. At least they finished rebuilding it in time for the school year.

I wonder how this year is going to be. Hopefully I can just focus on my studies and taking my NEWT's. But knowing Hogwarts that probably won't happen.

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