Fifteen - Redamancy

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Redamancy - (n.) the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in the full
~ Hermione Granger ~

"Hermione, have you talked to Pansy lately?" Draco asks.

I look up from my book and at my Veela boyfriend. I'm sitting on my couch and he's sitting on his. I close my book and put it down on the ground next to the couch. He just got back from another informal Quidditch Practice with Blaise, Harry, and Ron probably fifteen minutes ago.

They've been hanging out a lot recently, which is good. It's about time that Harry and Ron are getting along with Draco and Blaise. I can sense his concern and curiosity. It's very handy that Draco and I can feel each other's emotions and pain. The pain part not so much but it's part of the package deal so oh well.

Pansy, Ginny, and I were studying and hanging out in the library last night. Last night was Saturday so today is Sunday, obviously.

"I talked to her yesterday, why?" I ask, arching a brow at the blonde boy.

"Did she talk about ending her relationship with Blaise?" Draco asks, returning my arched brow with one of his own.

"Why?" I ask, not wanting to out my best friend.

"Because she broke up with Blaise right before Quidditch Practice today" Draco says, a small scowl forming on his face.

I sigh. Sorry Pansy but I guess I have to tell Draco what you told me yesterday. If you and Blaise aren't together it won't hurt if I say something. But I don't have to say that she fancies Ron. I'm suprised she broke up with Blaise so quickly after she told Ginny and I her plans. 

"She told Ginny and I last night that she was going to end things with Blaise" I say with a sigh.

"Did she say why?" Draco asks, obviously concerned.

"Why?" I ask, arching a brow at him.

"Because Pansy is my best friend and so is Blaise. I am somewhat inclined to know why their relationship failed" Draco says, rolling his eyes at me.

I frown at him. He is best friends with both Pansy and Blaise so he does deserve to know why their relationship ended.

"She said that she doesn't love him in a romantic way and doesn't want to lead him on" I say honestly.

If Draco wants to know Pansy's full side of the story he should ask her. It's not like I'm going to tell him that Pansy left Blaise because she fancies Ron.

Draco slowly nods his head, looking deep in thought. I wonder what he's thinking about.

"How was Quidditch?" I ask.

Draco smiles at me and I can immediately feel his happiness.

"It was good. Blaise and I won, again" Draco says smugly.

Whenever Blaise, Draco, Harry, and Ron play they always play in the same teams. Blaise and Draco play on the same team while Harry and Ron play on the same team. Blaise and Draco play Quidditch for the Slytherin team so they are pretty good. They've won almost every game they've played against Harry and Ron.

"Well that's good" I said.

Draco nods and the dormitory slips into a peaceful silence. I continue reading and Draco grabs a book and also starts reading. 
After a little bit I look at the clock above the fireplace. It reads 6:18, which means that dinner is being held in the Great Hall. I stand up and close my book. Draco looks at me with an arched eyebrow.

"Dinner?" I ask him, making my way over to the door of our dormitory.

Draco nods and walks over to me. He grabs my hand and we leave the Heads dormitory together.

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