Twenty - Aeipathy

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Aeipathy - (n.) An enduring and consuming passion
~ Draco Malfoy ~

"Draco are you listening to anything I'm saying?" Hermione asks.

I can feel her annoyance radiating off of her. She was just explaining something that she did in Charms today and I zoned out. We got back from our last class of the day a little while ago and are waiting to go to dinner.

Eighth and Seventh Years are throwing a party this weekend in the Great Hall. Hermione and I are, obviously, going together.

I guiltily shake my head no. She frowns at me before plopping down next to me on the couch. I wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull her closer to me. Her annoyance almost instantly evaporates.

"I love you Hermione" I say, kissing the top of her head.

She leans into the touch and she has a wide smile on her beautiful face. She's so beautiful I'm probably the luckiest man alive to be able to call her mine.

"I love you too Draco" I reply.

My heart soars in my chest and I feel so happy I could cry. It's just the Veela part of me but the normal part of me is very happy that she loves me back. I've probably liked her ever since I saw her way back in First Year.

Now she's my girlfriend and my mate. My life couldn't get any better then it is right now. I smile down at her and I can sense her overflowing happiness.

"You need to start listening to me instead of zoning out" Hermione says softly.

I nod my head in agreement. Me zoning out is something that I'm trying to work on because I know that it annoys Hermione quite a lot. But it's difficult to pay attention when she's the one talking because her face is so mesmerizing.

"I know, babe, I know" I reply softly.

Hermione turns her head to look me straight in the eye.

"Good, good. Has Blaise said anything about what he's planning to do to Ron and Pansy?" She asks, obviously worried for her two friends.

Blaise vowed revenge against Pansy and Ron once they started dating because he thinks that Pansy cheated on him with Ron. Which she didn't do. Pansy may be a little bit of a bitch but she would never cheat on anybody, let alone someone who's been her best friend for as long as Blaise had been.

Blaise and I barely talk nowadays because of my loyalty to Pansy and Ron. Pansy is basically a sister to me so I'm obviously going to side with her and Hermione has also sided with Pansy and Ron because of her friendhship with Ron. Blaise usually talks to Theo instead of me probably because he knows how much I dislike Theo. He called Hermione a Mudblood while I was present after all.

"No, Blaise doesn't talk to me much anymore" I reply with a frown on my face.

Hermione sighs and I sigh with her. It's obviously we both want to know what Blaise is up to. But I guess we will have to wait and see.

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