Twenty One - Nakama

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Nakama - (n.) a very good friend or comrade that one considers as family, even of they're not necessarily related
~ Hermione Granger ~

"Have you read the newest edition of the Daily Prophet?" Harry asks.

I arch a brow at him. I just sat down at breakfast on a seemingly normal Saturday morning. The only interesting thing that's happening soon is the Eighth and Seventh Year party tonight.

I arrived in the Great Hall fifteen minutes ago. Draco is still in the Heads dorm, probably taking a shower or putting product in his hair. Currently it's just Harry and I at our usual section of the Gryffindor table. Both Ginny and Ron are still in Gryffindor Tower, probably sleeping or trying to go back to sleep.

"No, should I have?" I ask.

I don't pay to read bullshit articles written by Rita Skeeter. I stopped doing that back in our Fourth Year when Skeeter said that Harry and I were in a relationship.

Harry nods his head and hands me his copy of the newest edition of the Daily Prophet. I read the headline and my jaw drops.

Parkinson heiress cheated on the only Zabini heir? Read here for more details.

With a growing scowl I continue reading the bullshit paper.

Miss Pansy Parkinson, the lone Parkinson heiress, was recently in a high profile relatio ship with Mister Blaise Zabini, the only Zabini heir. Miss Parkinsom recently ended their relationship and is now in a relationship with Mister Ronald Weasley, war hero and.Harry Potter's best friend. Who was thought to be in a relationship with Miss Hermione Granger but she is dating the Malfoy heir, Draco Malfoy. So it was a shock to Mister Zabini that Miss Parkinson and Mister Weasley began dating a short week after the breakup. So how is Mister Zabini supposed to react when he learns that Miss Parkinson was having an affair with Mister Weasley DURING their relationship? Read the exclusive interview with Blaise Zabini on page 6.

Written by Rita Skeeter.

"That isn't true!" I exclaim, slamming the bullshit newspaper down on the table.

A few people other people sitting at Gryffindor turn to look at Harry and I. Which results in the both of us glaring at them.

"I know. This will be circling around the school by the time lunch rolls around. Which will cause problems for both Pansy and Ron" Harry says with a sigh.

Ginny sits down at the Gryffindor table next to Harry and across the table from me. Wordlessly, Harry hands Ginny the newest bullshit edition of The Daily Prophet. She clenches her jaw and narrows her eyes when she's done reading it.

Ginny starts looking at the Slytherin table and starts death glaring Blaise, who is laughing with a group of his fellow Slytherin's. He did just say that her brother was part of an affair that wasn't even true after all.

"We need to find Ron and Ginny" Pansy says seriously.


An hour later Harry, Ginny, Ron, Pansy, Draco, and I are all sitting at a secluded table in an otherwise deserted library. Both Ron and Pansy have read the article about them and are, for obvious reasons, extremely pissed off.

"What are we going to do? By this time tomorrow everyone else in the school is going to hate us or hate us even more" Pansy says, looking at Ron with forlorn look.

"Pans it's going to be okay. The people we need are with us right now" Ron says with a smile, trying to comfort his girlfriend.

Pansy simply nods before the two of them turn to face Draco,Harry, Ginny, and I.

"How are we supposed to retaliate to this?" Pansy asks, her mouth forming a harsh line.

I simply shrug my shoulders. I think Ron and Pansy should decide how they retaliate and not have Draco, Harry, and Ginny do it for them. We can help but not do it for them.

"I don't know Pans. What can you do? The Daily Prophet is the major magazine of England so everyone will see it by tomorrow morning" Ginny says, a dour expression taking hold of her face.

We all nod in agreement. What Ginny said is true. Even if Pansy and Ron retaliate everyone will already think that Pansy cheated on Blaise with Ron anyways. So should they just not do anything?

"And if you guys retaliate it might make things worse than it already is" Harry adds.

We all nod in agreement again. What both Harry and Ginny is true.

"But if you don't retaliate it'll also look like what Blaise is saying is true" Draco says, trying to approach the problem from a different angle.

"But if they do retaliate it'll look the same way. And if they don't retaliate there isn't a chance that Skeeter will tamper with what they say" Harry points out.

"True" Draco says, slowly nodding his head.

"Well what are you guys going to do?" I ask.

Draco, Harry, Ginny, and I turn our attention to the controversial couple of the hour. It's up to them to decide what they're going to do now. Pansy and Ron share a look before Pansy slowly nods her head, a signal for something.

"We aren't going to retaliate" Ron decides for both him and Pansy.

I guess that's what's happening then.

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