Twelve - Kalopsia

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Kalopsia - (n.) The delusion of things being more beautiful than they are
~ Draco Malfoy ~

Hermione and I just arrived in our dormitory after coming back from a long day at Hogsmeade village. We ended up hanging out with Pansy, Blaise, Harry, Ron, and Ginny. Yep I am finally calling those three by their first names. We all officially became friends and apologized during our day at Hogsmeade thanks to Pansy. It's about time too, seeing as how we've all hated each other since our First Year at Hogwarts.

I suppose I should apologize for kissing her without her consent, again. It was a pretty shitty thing to do, especially since I don't even know what's going on with our relationship. She was acting as if we were dating all day so are we? Or was she just acting?


I look up to see Hermione standing in the doorway of her bedroom. Her hair is wet, meaning she just took a quick shower. She's wearing a long sleeve crimson red shirt and black sweatpants. Needless to say she looks gorgeous, like she does every single moment of every day.

"What?" I ask.

"Calm down, you're stressing me out" She says with a small laugh.

I smile at her and for just a moment my head is clear of thought. Which is nice, for the second of which it lasted.
"Are you going to dinner?" I ask, looking at the clock on the mantelpiece above the fireplace.

It reads 6:15, which means dinner is still being served in the Great Hall. We had lunch in Hogsmeade and had a snack a few hours ago but that's about it.

"Yeah, are you?" Hermione asks, sounding curious and concerned at the same time.

I stand up from the couch with a nod of my head. She pulls her hair up in a messy bun before walking over to me. She intertwines our fingers and looks up at me with a smile. I smile back down at her as we leave our dormitory.

"So.....what are we?" Hermione asks as we walk down the hall.

"What do you mean?" I ask, looking down at the brown haired witch.

She looks up at me before quickly looking away, a blush forming on her cheeks.

"Are we a couple or not?" She asks bluntly.

"I would like for us to be a couple but whatever you want" I reply with a sigh.

Hopefully she wants us to be a couple. She is the one who grabbed my hand first to be honest.

"Well...I..uh...I want us to be a couple" Hermione admits, looking down at the floor.

I smile fondly down at her. Hermione looks up from the ground and we make eye contact. She smiles back at me.

"Then we are a couple" I say.

I lean down to kiss her and she puts her head up a litte, making to easier for me. I smile into the kiss before pulling away a second later. We don't need to be kissing in the middle of a school corridor where anyone could stumble upon us.

We keep walking to dinner, identical smiles on our faces.

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