Twenty Two - Kilig

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Kilig - (n.) the rush or the inexplicable joy one feels after seeing or experiencing something romantic
~ Draco Malfoy ~

The past two weeks at Hogwarts have been quite hectic. First Blaise helped Rita Skeeter release a bullshit article about Ron and Pansy then everyone started hating the couple in question. And they decided not to retaliate to the article, which made sure everyone either didn't believe the article or they blindly believe it as if it is gospel. Now the only people who talk to the two of them on a regular basis are Harry, Hermione, Ginny, and I. At least they know who their real friends are, right?

People have also started to not talk to Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and I as much as they used to. Probably because of our affiliation with Pansy and Ron, Hogwarts' very own controversial couple At least they took that title a little bit away from Hermione and I. Our relationship will always be controversial because of our pasts with each other, no matter how old we get.

Because of the article none of us went to the Seventh and Eighth year party two weeks ago. Instead we all hung out in the Heads dorm, watching Disney movies and eating ice cream. Hermione had somehow gotten a TV and a DVD player hooked up in here that day without me knowing. 

"Dray, start getting ready. We're meeting Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Pansy at the Black Lake in ten minutes" Hermione says with a soft smile on her face.

I nod my head and stand up from my place on the couch. Hermione is wearing a grey peacoat, a red long sleeve undershirt, black skinny jeans, and black lace-up combat boots.

I grab my black trench coat and pull on my shoes. Hermione is waiting for me at the door. I lace my fingers through hers and we leave the Heads dorm together, like always.

We walk through the silent corridors together, only adding the sound of our shoes clacking againt the tile to the otherwise noiseless passageways. We pass a few other students the closer we get to the Great Hall but they become silent when we pass, something that's been happening ever since Hermione and I became public with our relationship.

Harry, Ginny, Ron, Pansy, Hermione, and I all planned to hangout sometime today but I didn't know we were hanging out outside. It's freezing and its not even November yet! I would rather us hang out in the warmth of the building but we'll just come in when it gets too cold.

"Draco. Can I tell you something?" Hermione asks seriously.

I look down at my girlfriend and mate to see that she's looking back up at me. I simply smile and nod my head.

"I love you, Draco Malfoy" Hermione says, a wide grin slowly forming on her face.

She turns her whole body towards me and wraps her arms around my neck. I put my hands on her waist and lower my lips down to hers.

We're both smiling into the kiss. Which isn't too fast but it isn't too slow. It isn't filled with lust but it's filled with the pure love and admiration that we have for each other.

After a minute or two we both pull away, both needing to get some oxygen into our lungs.

"And I love you, Hermione Granger"


Hey y'all! I hope you all enjoyed this book because I enjoyed writing it for you all. I am working on an Epilogue but it probably won't be out for a few days.

Talk to you then!!!!!



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