Thirteen - Kalon

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Kalon - (n.) beauty that is more than skin-deep
~ Hermione Granger ~

A few weeks have passed since Draco and I officially became a couple. We're always around each other and when we're not it's only during meals and in classes we don't have together. We also hang out with Pansy, Blaise, Harry, Ginny, and Ron a lot.

Harry, Ron, Draco, Ginny, Pansy, Blaise, and I are all walking to Potions together. Students don't stare at us in the halls as much as they used to. It's probably because they're all used to seeing us hangout at this point.

Professor Slughorn is giving us a test today and the seven of us have been studying together for the past few days. Mostly Draco, Blaise, and I have been helping Harry, Ron, Pansy, and Ginny because they aren't the best at Potions.

"I'm going to fail this test" Ron groans.

I look over at my best friend and roll my eyes at him. He always says that, no matter what class we are having a test in.

"Ronald you'll be fine" Pansy says, rolling her eyes at the redhead.

Ron looks at Pansy and slowly nods his head, a light blush settling across his cheeks. He quickly turns his head away from Pansy and the rest of us so we can't see his blush. Does Ron have a crush on Pansy? I'll have to ask Ron about it when it's just the two of us.

"You won't fail Ron, we all have faith in you" I say, smiling at my friend.

I could feel Draco rolling his eyes at Ron. Even though Draco and Ron don't get along they are at least civil towards each other.

"Thanks Mione, I really appreciate it" Ron says, a small smile now taking hold of his face.

A small smile forms on my face as the seven of us continue walking down the hallway, ignoring the stares and glares from other students.


"I am officially going to fail this class" Ron groans.

Ron, Harry, Ginny, Pansy, Blaise, Draco, and I were all leaving the Potions classroom when he says that. Draco and I are holding hands, since we are dating. Harry and Ginny are holding hands since they are dating. Blaise and Pansy are dating but they aren't holding hands. Maybe they're having a rough spot? I simply roll my eyes, knowing that he's going to keep saying that until he gets his test grade back.

"Ron would you please stop saying that you're going to fail, it's annoying" Ginny says, her annoyance obvious in her voice and on her face.

"Yeah, please" Harry adds.

Ron nods silently. At least someone told him to be quiet before someone yelled at him to shut it.

"Is anyone else going to Hogsmeade next weekend? Blaise and I are going" Pansy asks.

"Harry and I are going, you three have to go" Ginny pleads, looking at Draco, Ron, and I.

"I'll go" Ron says with a small shrug.

"We'll go" I say for Draco and I.

Draco simply nods in agreement even though I can sense his uneasyness. Why doesn't he really want to go? What is he worried about?

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