Eleven - Stupefy

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Stupefy - (v.) make (someone) unable to think or feel properly
~ Hermione Granger ~

"So are you two dating or what?" Ginny asks, looking between Draco and I.

I share a quick side look with Draco. Ginny, Harry, Ron, Draco, and I are all sitting at a table at The Three Broomsticks. We arrived in Hogsmeade about half an hour ago. Ron and Harry wanted to get a drink so we came here.

"Uh....we-" I start

"Yes we are" Draco finishes for me.

I look up at him and barely manage to not glare at him. My red cheeks are telling a different story however. That's not what I was going to say. I was going to tell Ginny the truth about Draco and I being soulmates. But I guess that isn't an appropriate topic to talk about in public. Or at all until Draco feels comfortable telling them.

"Well congratulations" Harry says with a small smile.

Harry and Ginny are dating and have been ever since the war ended. Ron is still single and I don't know if he fancies anyone. He and I barely talk since he called me a Mudblood. At least he apologized for it though.

"Thank you Harry" I reply with a smile on my face.

I feel Draco stiffen beside me and I can feel his anger bubbling up inside of me. Is he seriously that jealous. I grab his hand underneath the table and squeeze it. His anger changes to happiness almost instantly.

"How long?" Ron asks, looking between Draco and I.

"A few days" I say before Draco could say anything.

Ron, Harry, and Ginny all nod. At least they are accepting of our relationship and not flipping their shit over it.

The door to the The Three Broomsticks opens and in walks Parkinson and Zabini, holding hands. They're dating? How did I not know that? They look around the room and Parkinson is the first to spot us. The pair walks over to us.

"Hey Draco, Gryffindorks" Parkinson greets us.

"It's nice to see you too Parkinson" I reply sarcastically.

Parkinson simply smiles at me. Zabini pulls over two chairs and puts them at our table. The two Slytherin's sit down and make themselves comfortable. Why are they here?

"Why are you two here?" Ron asks, looking at the two and he looks slightly annoyed.

"We're having a drink with our friend. We actually should all be friends" Parkinson says, smiling at Ron.

He slowly nods back with a skeptical look on his face.

"So since we're all friends now we should call each other by our first names. Is that okay Ron?" Parkinson asks.

"Y-yeah, that's fine" Ron replies, looking away as a barely noticeable blush on his face.

Does Ron have a little crush on Miss Pansy Parkinson? But Pansy is apparently dating Blaise.

"So. Hermione, how has Draco been treating you?" Pansy asks, switching her gaze from Ron to me.

Draco starts glaring at Pansy. He must have told Pansy and Blaise that we are dating.  Did he tell them anything else? Has he told the about his Veela heritage? Anyways why is she asking me that?

"Uh....he's been treating me fine" I reply with a confused look on my face.

"Okay, its just that he talks about you all the fucking time" Pansy says, jokingly rolling her eyes at the two of us.

I start blushing and so does Draco. Draco glares at his best friend.

"Awww" Ginny says.

Draco glares at Ginny and she shrinks back in to her chair. Pansy and Blaise start laughing. Which causes the rest of us to start laughing. Draco frowns and I can sense his embarassment.

I smile at him and he turns his head to smile at me. Even if we aren't in a traditional relationship we have the best support system in the whole damn world.

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