Seventeen - Kairos

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Kairos - (n.) the perfect, delicate, crucial moment; the fleeting rightness of time and place that creates the opportune atmosphere for actions, words, or movement; also, weather.
~ Hermione Granger ~

Pansy, Ron, Harry, Ginny, Draco, and I are all walking through Hogsmeade village together when we hear a few people whispering behind us. I turn my head to see Daphne Greengrass, Theodore Nott, and Crabbe following us. Draco and Pansy turn to face their fellow Slytherin's, identical emotionless masks on their faces.

"Ah there they are. The two house traitors" Nott says, his sharp gaze aimed at Pansy and Draco.

"What do you four want?" Pansy asks, scowling at her housemates.

"We want you guys to stop acting as if your new found frienships will change anything. You're still Slytherin's and.hanging around with the Golden Trio won't save your reputations" Greengrass says, a scowl forming on her face.

"And hanging around with a mudblood isn't going to save your reputation Draco, frankly pretty much nothing can" Nott says, sounding as if he's trying to look out for Draco.

I can immediatly sense Draco's immense anger. A deep growl comes from him and in the blink of an eye he is standing in front of Nott, his hand wrapped around his throat. He's slightly holding him above the ground. Nott's hands immediately fly up to his neck, trying to pry Draco's hand off of him.

"Draco! Let him go!" I exclaim, reaching forward for him.

But he only ignores me, even as I try to pull him away from the other Slytherin.

"Don't ever call her that again or I will personally end you" Draco snarls.

Nott starts nodding his head in agreement, as much as he could with Draco's hand around his throat. The veins in his forehead are starting to become visible.

Draco throws him on to the ground and walks back to me. He grabs my hand and starts pulling me away from everyone. Even away from Harry, Ginny, Pansy, and Ron. The four of them don't even try to follow us, probably not wanting what happened to Nott to happen to them.

I can feel his anger slowly ebbing away and it's being replaced by happiness and a small amount of annoyance.

After we're far enough from everyone else Draco stops walking and turns to face me. He still has an angry expression on his face that isn't going away.

"Draco you can't go around doing that" I say softly, looking up at him with a concerned look on my face.

"Doing what Hermione? Defending you?!" Draco snaps, glaring down at me.

I shrink away from him. Which immediatly makes his angry expression change to one of shock.

"I can defend myself Draco or have you forgotten that I fought in the war and I've been dealing with bullies like you and your friends since First Year!" I snap back at him.

Shock filters over his face and all I can feel for a moment is that and heartbreak.

"Hermione....." Draco trails off, genuine sadness taking over his face and his voice.

"I'm sorry" I genuinely apologize to him.

Draco nods, his sadness slowly leaving my body.

"I think I'm falling in love with you" Draco says softly.

I look at him with an arched brow. We just had a row a that's all he has to say? That he thinks he's falling in love with me?

"Great timing Draco" I say sarcastically.

Draco jokingly glares at me before holding out his hand for me. Which I take after a very short second.

"Whatever Hermione. We should probably go and find your friends before they sent a search party out for you" Draco says completely seriously.

Harry, Ginny, and Ron would probably send a search party after me. I don't know about Pansy but she would definitely send one after Draco.

"Let's go then" I say, smiling up at him.

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