Nineteen - Amaranthine

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Amaranthine - (adj.) undying, immortal, eternally beautiful.
~ Hermione Granger ~

"Mione are you okay? You kinda look like shit" Ginny says.

I death glare at my best girl friend. I know that I look like shit Ginny, thanks a fucking lot. I only look like shit because I am seperated from Draco. Thanks a lot Veela stuff. We had sex for the first time together before we went to dinner. Since we're in different houses we have to sit at different tables. Which isn't helping with our constant need to be with each other.

I'm sitting across from Ginny and Harry. Ron is sitting with Neville, Dean, and Seamus. He doesn't sit with us that much, ever since he called me a Mudblood. Draco is sitting with Pansy since Blaise is sitting with Nott, the Greengrass sisters, and a few other Seventh or Eighth year Slytherin's. Draco and Blaise don't talk much anymore since Draco and Pansy are best friends.

"I'm fine" I say sourly, forcefully stabbing down into the food on my plate.

"You don't look fine. Maybe you should go and see Madam Pomfrey?" Harry suggests.

I shake my head almost a little too quickly. Madam Pomfrey doesn't need to know that Draco is a Veela and that I am his mate. The only people who know that are Draco, his parents, and me.

"I'll be fine" I reply.

"Are you sure? Both you and Malfoy look like shit. Don't tell me you...." Harry trails off.

I look at him with wide eyes and tomato red cheeks. That's enough of an answer so Harry gets the idea. Great. Now Harry and Ginny know that Draco and I had sex. Why did Harry feel the need to ask that? It's not like its any of their business if/when Draco and I have sex.

"What the hell Harry? You don't ask someone that" Ginny scowls, scolding her boyfriend.

"Sorry Hermione. Did he..did he hurt you?" Harry asks in a quiet voice.

"Draco would never do anything to hurt me Harry, I can promise you that" I reply with a small smile on my face.

"How can you promise that?" He asks.

Because if Draco were to hurt me it would result in him hurting himself. And he loves me too much, whether he subconsciously admits it or not. And the same goes for me. The reason why Ron and I didn't work and could never work is because I am meant to be with Draco.

"Because he cares for me too much" I reply simply.

Harry simply nods, seeming to be a little suspicious but he drops the subject.

"How have things been in Gryffindor tower?" I ask, trying to get my mind off of Draco or anything related to him.

Ginny and Harry share a quick look before they both return their gaze to me.

"A lot has happened in the little time that you've been staying in the Heads Dormitory. Dean and Seamus finally got together, Ron is still with Pansy, and that's about it" Ginny quickly explains.

I smile at her. It's good to know that nothing bad has happened while I haven't been living in Gryffindor tower. Dean and Seamus have been rumored to be dating since Fourth Year so it's good that they can finally put the rumors to rest.

"Nothing too bad has happened. Not a lot of people are talking to Ron though, since he's dating Pansy" Harry says quietly since Ron is a few seats down from the three of us.

Not a lot or people talk to either Ron or Pansy now because of their new relationship. Half of those people are friends with Blaise and the other half think they're betraying their houses by dating each other. Which doesn't make sense because it's not like they're committing a crime by dating each other.

I just hope people don't view Draco and I like that because we're in a relationship with each other.

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