Fourteen - Elysian

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Elysian - (a.) beautiful or creative; divinely inspired, peaceful and perfect
~ Hermione Granger ~

"So, Pansy, what's going on with you and Blaise?" Ginny asks, looking at Pansy with an analytical gaze. 

Ginny, Pansy, and I are all hanging out together in the library. We were studying for our upcoming Charms test but we started talking and put studying on a back burner a little while ago. Draco, Harry, Blaise, and Ron are all playing Quidditch together out on the Quidditch Pitch. It's practice for the four of them before the season starts and it's good that they're all getting along.

Pansy looks between Ginny and I with a cautious look before sighing. A sad looks appears on her face. So I was right about how they've beem having a rough spot recently.

"We're having a rough spot right now" Pansy says with a sigh.

"Why? If you don't mind me asking" I ask, genuine concern lacing my voice.

Pansy smiles a sad smile at Ginny and I.

"I.....uh....I am starting to like somebody else and I don't know what to do. I love Blaise and I have for a long time but its more of a brotherly love then a romantic love. I should probably just end things with Blaise so I'm not leading him on but I also don't want to hurt him" Pansy explains with a heavy sigh.

So she likes somebody else. I wonder who it is. Could it be Ron? He does like her but that would be a low blow to Blaise. Ron and Blaise are just starting to become friends so if Pansy were to end things with Blaise for Ron that would probably end their blossoming friendship. Unless Blaise would be mature about it and only want what's best for Pansy. But that's a major 'what if?'.

"Who do you like?" Ginny asks.

Pansy quickly looks around the deserted library, obviously not wanting anyone else to hear our conversation. The library has been empty except for us and Madam Pince, the librarian, the whole time we've been here.

"Ron" Pansy says quietly.

Ginny's eyes go wide as saucers for a second before they go back to normal.

"Blaise might be hurt for a little while but in the long run he should just want for you to be happy, since he cares about you" Ginny says softly.

Pansy slowly nods, gratitude the only emotion present on her pale face.

"I'm gonna end things with Blaise then. Do you think Ron would ever like me back?" Pansy asks nervously, looking between Ginny and I.

I choke back a laugh, knowing that Ron probably already likes her. I notice that Ginny is doing the same thing.

"He would be a complete idiot to not like you Pans" I say with a smile on my face.

Ginny nods her head in agreement with my statement. Pansy smiles at the two of us and we smile back at her.

"I don't know what I would do without you guys as friends" Pansy says with a small laugh.

"Me either Pans" I reply, laughing with her.

We all laugh quietly together in our secluded corner of the library, blissfully ignorant to the chaos that would soon be coming to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

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