Ten - Thantophobia

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Thantophobia - (n.) the phobia of losing someone you love
~ Draco Malfoy ~

"Draco, mate, are you going to Hogsmeade today?"Blaise asks me as I sit down at the Slytherin table for breakfast.

It is now mid-October and the first Hogsmeade visit is today. I wonder if Hermione is going?

"I dunno. I will if Hermione is going" I reply.

Blaise and Pansy share a look.

"Will you be hanging out with us or with the Gryffindorks?" Pansy asks, using a childish nickname for Hermione's friends.

I shrug. How am I supposed to know? I guess that I will be hanging out with whomever Hermione is hanging out with.

"I dunno Pans" I reply, putting a meager amount of food on my plate.

I lool across the hall and lock eyes with Hermione. She blushes and looks away but she has a small smile on her face. Almost instantly Potter and Weasel swivel around in their seats to look at my. I shoot them a death glare and they quickly stop looking at me.

"Drake I think I can now compare you to a love sick puppy" Pansy says snickering.

I glare at the dark haired girl but she keeps laughing anyways. Blaise joins in on the laughter. I continue to glare at the two of them.

"So I guess we're hanging out with the Gryffindorks today" Pansy says with a groan.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask, arching a brow at the dark haired girl.

"Blaise and I are tagging along with you and Granger so naturally we're going to be forced to hang out with Potter and the Weasley's" Pansy explains.

"And when did you plan on doing this?" I ask.

"A few minutes ago. Before you came in" Blaise answers.

I chuckle and the two of them laugh. At that moment Hermione stands up and walks out of the Great Hall.

I follow immediately after her. I run to catch up with her. I reach out to touch her shoulder but she spins around before I could. She looks extremely annoyed. I pull my hand away and am immediately confused.

"What's wrong?" I ask, looking at her with concern.

"Nothing, I'm fine. Are you going to Hogsmeade?" Hermione asks, almost instantly putting on a fake smile.

"Yeah. Do you want to come with me?" I ask, looking her dead in an eye.

"Sure" Hermione replies with a smile.

Before I know what I'm doing my hands are on either side of her face. I crash my lips against hers. After a second of bliss I pull away. She's looking up at me with shocked wide eyes.

"What the hell was that?" Hermione asks.

I can feel her anger as if it was my own. I immediately feel guilty, causing Hermione's eyes to widen.

"What the hell is going on?" Hermione asks.

"We can now feel each other's emotion and pain, since I kissed you" I said.

Hermione scowl at me.

"Yeah, without my consent" She says, glaring at me.

I can sense her annoyance as if it was my own. I shove the annoyance away, not wanting to just feel Hermione's emotions.

"Well I'm sorry" I say.

Hermione simply nods her head.

"We should go and get ready to go to Hogsmeade" Hermione said,and resumes walking down the hallway.

I follow her with a smile on my face.

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