Sixteen - Coalesce

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Coalesce - (v.) to unite, grow or come together to form one mass or whole
~ Draco Malfoy ~

A week has passed since Pansy broke up with Blaise. We were all supposed to go to Hogsmeade together today. As far as I know Hermione and I are still going but I don't know who else is going. Harry, Ginny, and Ron are probably still going but I don't know about Pansy and Blaise. They might both go but obviously not together.

"Draco, let's go!" Hermione calls from the living room area.

I leave my bedroom and walk out to the living room part of the Heads dormitory. Hermione is wearing a navy blue tank top, a grey sweater, black high waisted skinny jeans, and dark grey ankle boots. Her hair is pulled back in a messy bun and she's wearing light face makeup. Needless to say she looks fantastic.

"Ready to go?" I ask.

Hermione nods and she holds out her hand for me. I take her hand and we leave the dormitory together. We silently walk through the halls together, not needing to fill the air with small talk. I can feel that Hermione is happy but she's also...nervous? Why is she nervous?

"Why are you nervous?" I ask quietly, not wanting other students to hear our conversation.

It's not that there are many students in the halls but I just don't want people hearing Hermione and I's conversation. I also don't need other students to know that I am a Veela and that Hermione is a mate. It would complicate things and make life harder for both of us. Veela's aren't exactly cherished in the Wizarding World and they have never been.

"I dunno. I guess I just have a bad feeling for some reason" Hermione replies with a shrug of her shoulders.

I also have a bad feeling but it might just be Hermione's nerves effecting me.

"What could you possibly have a bad feeling about?" I ask, looking down at her.

Hermione sighs and shrugs her shoulders.

"I dunno babe" Hermione says before she realizes what she was saying.

Her eyes widen for a second before going back to normal. Babe? She's never called me that before, not ever.

"Babe? I could get used to that" I say smugly.

Hermione chuckles before lightly elbowing me in the side. We both continue walking down the deserted hallway with identical smiles on our faces.


"Hermione, Draco!" Ginny exclaims as we approach her and Harry in the Great Hall.

Hermione and I are at the Gryffindor table, not wanting to waste time to split up to go to seperate house tables. Ron is no where to be seen. He's probably still sleeping in Gryffindor tower.

"Ginny, Harry" I greet the couple politely.

Ginny pulls Hermione in for a quick hug, resulting in Hermione dropping my hand. I give Harry a quick hand shake, First Year me would be so envious that I am finally friends with Harry Potter.

"Are you two still going to Hogsmeade?" Hermione asks Ginny and Harry.

They both nod their heads with smiles on their faces. Hermione and I sit down at the table across from Ginny and Harry. There's nothing wrong with having a little breakfast before a long day at Hogsmeade. That's when Ron enters the Great Hall, with Pansy. And they're holding fucking hands!

Pansy left Blaise, who has been there for her her entire fucking life, for Ronald fucking Weasley. Who hated her guts by default because she was sorted into Slytherin house in her First Year. The only reason Ron and Pansy became friends is because Hermione and I started dating.

The Great Hall fell into an uneasy silence as the new couple walked into the room. Hermione and Ginny are the only two people who don't look shocked at the new relationship. They knew about this? And Hermione didn't tell me about this why? I suppose she thought that it would've been best if Pansy or Ron were to be the ones to tell me.

"What the fuck!!!"

Everyone in the Great Hall spins around to face a very enraged looking Blaise Zabini. He stands from the Slytherin table and makes his way over to the new and happy couple.

"You dumped me to be with him?" Blaise yells at Pansy, the artery in his forehead throbbing.

"No, Blaise, it isn't like that" Pansy says in a pleading tone, looking up at Blaise with wide eyes.

Even though she was talking quietly everyone in the Great Hall could hear her.

"Then what is it like Pansy?" Blaise snaps, obviously extremely pissed off.

"I told you why I dumped you Blaise and Ron has nothing to do with that" Pansy says, an emotionless mask settling over her face.

Blaise scowls at the couple before stepping closer to the two. He says something so quietly that no one other then the three of them could hear before he storms out of the Great Hall.

Pansy and Ron walk over to the Gryffindor Table, both of them having no emotion on their faces. They sit down next to Harry and Ginny. That's when everyone else in the Great Hall resume their conversations from before the controversial couple entered the hall.

"Nice entrance guys" Ginny says sarcastically.

Pansy narrows her eyes at the redhaired girl before piling some food on her plate. Ron is already eating. How did Hermione deal with him for all these years?

"So when were you going to tell me about your new relationship Pansy?" I ask, arching a brow at the dark haired girl.

"Today" Pansy replies, her emotionless mask slowly slipping off of her face.

I slowly nod my head, knowing that she was telling the truth. But why is she already back to dating so soon after she ended things with Blaise? Maybe she's liked Ron for awhile and it's extremely obvious that Ron fancies her.

"What did Blaise whisper to you two?" Harry asks Pansy and Ron.

"He said 'This isn't over Weasley'" Ron says, badly impersonating Blaise's voice.
What is that supposed to mean? What is Blaise planning on doing?

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