Eighteen - Athazagoraphobia

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Athazagoraphobia - (n.) the fear of being forgotten, ignored, or replaced.
~ Draco Malfoy ~

"Draco, what are you doing?" Hermione asks, arching a brow at me.

I look at Hermione and I shrug my shoulders. I had just spent the past half an hour staring at Hermione. She's been reading an extremely weathered copy of Hogwarts: A History the whole time. The book is her favorite bloody book, seeing as she's read it more then a dozen times. And that's how many times she's read it since term started. We're sitting on her couch in the living room area of the Heads Dormitory. Today is Friday and we got back from our last class a little while ago. A week and a half has passed since our Hogmeade visit.

Most of the other Slytherin's, besides Blaise and Pansy, haven't talked to me ever since I almost choked Theo to death. It makes sense because they all probably think that I'll do the same thing to them. Even though I wouldn't. The only reason I assaulted Theo is because he was insulting Hermione, which is not acceptable especially in front of me.

"Draco why were you staring at me?" She asks, arching a brow at me.

"Because I can Granger, okay?" I said, arching a brow at her.

Hermione rolls her eyes at me with a chuckle. She looks so cute when she does that.

"Back to last names are we Malfoy?" Hermione asks with a arched brow.

"I suppose we are" I say.

I lean forward and put my lips on hers. For a second Hermione doesn't respond but after that she starts moving her lips against mine. I smile into the kiss as she tangles her hands in my hair. I wrap my arms around her waist and I pull her onto my lap.

I slip my tongue into her mouth, earning a small moan in response. After a few minutes of making out, we both pull apart equally out of breath.

I lean my forehead on Hermione's and she does the same thing. She's smiling and I smile back at her.

"Why don't we kiss like that more often?" Hermione asks with a laugh.

"I dunno. I didn't think you would want to kiss me" I reply, a blush burning my cheeks.

Hermione frowns at me and I can feel her annoyance.

"We're dating, why don't you think I wouldn't want to kiss you?" Hermione asks, arching a brow at me.

I frown at her.

"Because you're basically being forced to date me since I'll day if we don't mate" I reply.

Hermione smiles at me and she cups my right cheek. I almost instantly lean into the touch.

"Draco, honey, if I didn't like you I wouldn't be with you. Okay? You aren't forcing me to do anything" Hermione replies with a soft smile on her face.

I slowly nod my head, smiling at the bushy haired woman.

"And I've made up my mind. I don't want to wait any longer" Hermione replies, a small blush on her face.

"Wait for what?" I ask, arching a brow at her.

"To..to..mate. Okay? I want to now" Hermione mumbles.

I nod my head.

"You sure?" I ask, looking at her with a soft look.

After a Veela and their mate have sex they basically become joined at the hip. We'll feel each others emotions and pain in more force then before. And we'll be able to know what the other one is thinking.

Hermione nods and stands up from my lap. I stand up and she grabs my hand. She pulls me to her bedroom and slowly closes the door behind us.

Ooooh some serious Dramione shit is about to go down. BTW I am not writing a sex scene because I can barely write kissing let alone full blown smut. Thanks for reading tho.

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