Four - The Feast

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~ Draco Malfoy ~

Hermione and I arrive at the Great Hall in a little bit less then half an hour. We aren't late because the First Years haven't been sorted yet. We part at the door, she goes to the Gryffindor table and I go to the Slytherin table. I immediately feel the loss of Hermione not at my side.

Great. I sound like a bloody love sick teenager. Which I kind of am but whatever. I groan as I sit down at the Slytherin table. Both Pansy and Blaise look at me with confused looks on their faces.

"Mate you okay?" Blaise asks.

"I'm fine" I reply, forcing myself to not sound sad.

I look over at the Gryffindor table to see Hermione speaking with Potter, Weasel, and Weaselette. She has an annoyed look on her face. As if she knew that I was looking at her, Hermione looks up and we make eye contact. From here I can see a small blush on her face as she quickly looks away.

"Are you sure Draco? You look heart broken" Pansy says softly.

I remove my gaze from the Gryffindor and return my attention to Pansy and Blaise. They both look concerned.

"I said I was fine" I snap back at her.

Pansy's eyes widen for a second before they return back to normal.

"Sorry" I mumble.

Pansy simply nods before sharing a concerned look with Blaise.

"You can tell us anything, you know that right?" Pansy asks, reaching across the table and grabbing my hand.

I scowl at her before pulling my hand away from hers. Which results in her frowning at me.

Blaise and Pansy have been dating since the start of the summer. They're always together and if I tell one of them something the other one finds out before the day is out. So if I tell one of them about me being a Veela and Hermione being my mate the other one will eventually find out, even if I'm not the one to tell them.

"I know that Pansy" I say flatly.

Pansy simply rolls her eyes at me. Before either of them could say anything, the doors to the Great Hall. McGonagall walks in and behind her are the small and nervous First Years.

McGonagall says everything that the headmaster would normally say like how the Forbidden Forest is indeed forbidden and so is the third floor. Food magically appears on platters on the house tables, marking the beginning of the feast.

I put a small amount of food on my plate. I'm just not hungry today. Blaise piles a bunch of food onto his plate while Pansy puts on a minuscule amount of food on her plate.

"What did McGonagall have to talk to you and Granger about?" Blaise asks.

When I arrived back at my compartment on the train after speaking with McGonagall Blaise and Pansy were having a heated discussion about something stupid.

I flash him my Head Boy badge. Both Pansy and Blaise's eyes widen.

"Damn. I thought Potter would've been Head Boy. No offense" Pansy says, quickly adding the last part.

"Thanks Pans, I appreciate it" I reply sarcastically.

"Good" Pansy replies, a smile on her face.

I sigh and start silently eating. Blaise and Pansy don't say anything as they eat their dinner.


Food disappears off of the platters, marking the end of the feast. McGonagall stands and approaches the Owl Podium, meaning she has something important to say.

"It is now time to announce Head Boy and Head Girl" McGonagall begins.

The whole Great Hall falls into silence. After a minute of complete silence someone starts clapping. The clapping is coming from the Ravenclaw table so I assume that Loony Lovegood is the one clapping. Almost instantly everyone in the Great Hall joins in, even the professors.

"Now off to bed everyone, except for Miss Granger and Mister Malfoy" McGonagall says, dismissing everyone.

The Great Hall goes into chaos as the Prefects try and assemble the First Years so they can be lead to their new dormitories. Hermione and I make brief eye contact before we both start walking up to the teacher's table where McGonagall is standing. What does she have to tell us this time?

We arrive at the teacher's table at the same time. McGonagall greets us with a warm smile.

"Let us go, shall we?" McGonagall says.

The older witch starts walking so Hermione and I fall in step behind her. Where are we going exactly? The three of us leave the Great Hall and walk towards the Third Floor. What could possibly be on the Third Floor that we have business dealing with? I thought students weren't allowed in that area of the school.

"Your shared dormitory is on the Third Floor. Please refrain from telling other students of it's location since the Third Floor is forbidden" McGonagall explains.

Hermione and I have to share a dormitory? Cool. At least we'll be close to each other so I won't be clawing my eyes out. Being a Veela isn't easy you know.

"S-Shared dormitory?" Hermione splutters.

"Yes, it is a tradition that the Head Boy and Head Girl share a dormitory" McGonagall says with a sigh.

Hermione groans but doesn't say anything else. McGonagall leads us to the Third Floor and stops in front of the first portrait. It's a portrait of Professor Dumbledore.

"Ah it is nice to you see you both" Portrait Dumbledore says, a familiar twinkle in his eyes.

"It is nice to see you as well Professor" Hermione says politely.

"Alright. The password is Eunoia" McGonagall says.

Dumbledore's portrait swings open with a loud whine, it probably hasn't been opened since the previous Head Boy and Girl left last year.

"We shall discuss your duties some other time. Good night" McGonagall says with a small smile on her face.

She starts to walk away from us.

"Good night Professor" Hermione and I say in sync.

McGonagall turns around to give the two of us a small smile before turning and walking down the corridor. Hermione sighs and walks into our new dormitory. I should probably go and see what it's like.

Eunoia (n.) beautiful thinking; a well mind

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