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~ Hermione Granger ~

Eighteen years have passed since Draco and I graduated from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We got married a month after we graduated. We have four children together. Our oldest child is Rosaleigh Hermione Malfoy and she is seventeen years old. Our oldest son is Nicholas Draco Malfoy and he is fifteen years old. Our youngest daughter is Evangeline Narcissa Malfoy and she is thirteen years old. Our youngest child is Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy and he is eleven years old.

They're all one-fourth Veela, which they inherited from their father's side of the family. Which means they have until their eighteenth birthday to find their mate and mate with them. We told them each individually on their tenth birthday so they wouldn't go around teling everyone in the world that the Malfoy's are Veela's, not pureblooded.

"Mum, Dad, does it matter who my mate is?" Scorpius asks Draco and I on our way to Platform 9 3/4.

Draco and I share a quick look? Does Scorpius think that he's found his mate already? He hasn't even gotten his Veela inheritance yet. Anyways, it doesn't matter who his mate is as long as he is happy and his mate is also happy.

"The only thing that matters to us is your happiness sweetheart" I reply, smiling fondly at my youngest child.

Draco, Rosaleigh, Nicholas, Evangeline, Scorpius, and I all run through the wall that takes us to Platform 9 3/4. As soon as we arrive I see Harry and Ginny with their kids. Harry and Ginny got married a few years after Draco and I did. They have three children; James Sirius Potter who is Evangeline's age, Albus Severus Potter who is Scorpius's age, and Lily Luna Potter who is nine years old.

Ron and Pansy are also standing there with their six children. Their eldest children are Stephen James Weasley and Stella Pansy Weasley and they're seventeen years old. Brianna Molly Weasley is fifteen years old. Oliver Hugo Weasley is thirteen years old. Jonathan Arthur Weasley is eleven years old. Their youngest child is Quincey Lena Weasley and she is nine years old.

Blaise ended up marrying Daphne Greengrass and they have four children together. Their eldest daughter is Eleanor Daphne Zabini and she is sixteen. Their eldest son is Michael Blaise Zabini and he is fourteen years old. Their youngest son is Jaime Theodore Zabini and he is twelve years old. Their youngest child is Paige Astoria Zabini and she is ten years old.

Ginny and Pansy are the first to see us and they all wave us over. We walk over to them and we all give each other quick hugs.

All of the kids walk onto the train together except for Lily and Quincey because they're too young to attend Hogwarts. Tears are welling up in my eyes but I force them back. All of my babies are off to Hogwarts now, I am allowed to cry but I won't. Not in front of my 'nieces'.

Draco squeezes my hand, since he is feeling my emotions right now like he always does. My husband being a Veela sometimes helps because we usually never get in arguments because we always know what the other one is feeling.

"How does it feel to be free from kids until December?" Pansy asks Draco and I in a joking way.

"Lonely" I reply honestly.

I don't know what I'm going to do without any kids being home. I'll be at the Ministry all day because I'm Minister for Magic but what will I do at home? Spend quality time with Draco? Now that I mention it that doesn't sound too bad.

"Mummy why can't Lily and I go to Hogwarts now?" Quincey asks, arching a brow at her mother.

Quincey is the spitting-image of Pansy, it's crazy. Down to their signature smirk they are identical.

"Because you and Lily are too young, I told you that earlier sweetie. You have to be eleven and you two are only nine" Pansy explains, smiling down at her youngest child.

Quincey frowns but nods her head anyways.

I smile at the two Weasley ladies before turning to face my husband. A frown takes hold of my face because its time for me to go back to work. While they all have the day off I only have a half-day of work off.

"I gotta go back to work love" I say, frowning.

Draco nods before kissing me on the forehead.

"Make us proud Minister" Draco says with a proud smile on my face.

I smile back before quickly pecking him on the lips.

"I love you, Draco Malfoy"

"And I love you, Hermione Malfoy"


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